When you get there, you will find an unsuspecting people and a spacious land that God has put into your hands, a land that lacks nothing whatever.
中文: 10你们到了那里,必看见安居无虑的民,地也宽阔。神已将那地交在你们手中。那地百物俱全,一无所缺。 更详细进入...
Why did you want to write Quidditch Through The Ages and Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them?
中文: 问:为什么你想写《神奇的魁地奇球》和《神奇生物在哪里》? 更详细进入...
A meeting of glances between them struck radiant sparks in her eyes, showing that communication had linked two hearts for love to flow both ways.
中文: 心与心的交流,情与情的沟通,眼神与眼神撞击出异样的火花时她最美。 更详细进入...
Na+,K+-ATPase may also be responsible for pumping norepinephrine back into the sympathetic neurons to inactivate this neurotransmitter.
中文: 钠、钾、ATP酶对去甲肾上腺素泵回交感神经元灭活这神经递质也有责任。 更详细进入...
Japan sent hundreds of thousands of its citizens to what was then called Manchuria after its troops occupied the area in 1931.
中文: 日本军队1931年占领了当时的满洲里之后,日本向那里移居了成千上万的日本人。 更详细进入...
On the trading floor more than 2,200 common and preferred stocks are traded.
中文: 在交易大厅里进行交易的有2,200多种普通股和优先股。 更详细进入...
Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.
中文: 2凡事大有好处。第一是神的圣言交托他们。 更详细进入...
Co-localization and interaction of neurotransmitters in sympathetic nerves
中文: 交感神经系统内的递质共存及其相互作用 更详细进入...
An Experimertal Study on the Sympathetic Ramuli of Precervical Tissues
中文: 颈椎前软组织内交感神经分布的实验研究 更详细进入...
In one year, an acre (43560 square feet) of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon that a car produces traveling 26000 miles.
中文: 一英亩(四万三千五百六十平方英尺)的树一年内可以吸收一部汽车行驶两万六千英里路产生的碳量。 更详细进入...
Waiting upon God—in this expression we find one of the deepest truths of God's Word in regard to the attitude of the soul in its intercourse with God.
中文: 等候神——这句话说出一个极深的真理,就是人与神相交时所该有的态度。 更详细进入...
I see you've logged up a thousand miles on this truck since the last service.
中文: 我看到自上次大修以来,你的这辆卡车已行驶一千英里了。 更详细进入...
中文: 菊科千里光族款冬亚族的花粉超薄结构及其系统学意义 更详细进入...
God took over the proceedings from chapter 38 onwards and puts all the issues clearly.
中文: 在第38章里神出现,在之后的篇章里阐明了一切。 更详细进入...
Then God came to Balaam and said, Who are these men with you?
中文: 民22:9神临到巴兰那里说、在你这里的人都是谁。 更详细进入...
All his father's power of seeing the worst, all his wife's nervous pessimism had come to the fore in him during the hour since he had been handed that message.
中文: 在他接到那个字条后的那段时间里,他父亲善于预见最恶劣的情况的能力,以及他的妻子神经质的悲观主义都令他思绪万千。 更详细进入...
By the end of Oct 2001, the company has five 500 KV substations and forty 220 KV substations under its jurisdiction, with a total power transformation capacity of 22.405 million KVA, 137 power transmission lines with a total length of 2,071 kilometres, an
中文: 至2001年10月,公司下辖500千伏变电站5座、220千伏变电站40座,总计变电容量超过了2240.5万千伏安;输电线路137条,总长度2071公里;年输出电量446亿千瓦时以上,占全市年用电量的90%以上。 更详细进入...
So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men: and they fled before the men of Ai.
中文: 4于是民中约有三千人上那里去,竟在艾城人面前逃跑了。 更详细进入...
If God was inspiring the translation process of the Book of Mormon, why were 4,000 changes necessary?
中文: 如果神驱使了《摩门经》的翻译过程,为什麽还需要更动超过四千个地方呢? 更详细进入...
Another myth involved Hercules, the mythical strong man.
中文: 另一个神话是有关赫尔克里斯的,一个神话中的大力士。 更详细进入...