A description of audience behavior that implies viewers are unlikely to change channels unless Provoked by very unappealing programming.
中文: 形容受众行为.指除非看到很厌恶的节目,观众一般不会更换频道. 更详细进入...
A swelled head doesn't always indicate a surplus of brains.
中文: 自负的人不一定有颗智慧的脑袋。 更详细进入...
Caroline will be in charge of the office during my absence.
中文: 我不在时,办公室将由凯洛琳负责。 更详细进入...
How can you be irresponsible for what you have said?
中文: 你怎么对自已说过的话不负责任? 更详细进入...
I haven't as much responsibility as before.
中文: 我不再担负过去那样多的责任了. 更详细进入...
Responsibility must be shouldered; you cannot carry it under your arms.
中文: 责任必须负在肩上,不能挟在腋下。 更详细进入...
He did not wish it mentioned.
中文: 他不希望提到这事。 更详细进入...
I hope the rain will soon give over.
中文: 我希望雨不久即停。 更详细进入...
And in the longer run, it wants to tie China in as a “responsible stakeholder” of the international system.
中文: 从更长远来看,美国也希望跟中国在国际体系中,形成“负责任利益相关者”关系。 更详细进入...
I'll not abuse your hospitality, your kindness.
中文: 我不会辜负你的热情招待和好意。 更详细进入...
Not all regions worldwide use loading coils.
中文: 并不是世界各地都使用负载线圈。 更详细进入...
Trust thyself only, and another shall not betray thee.
中文: 只要信任你自己,别人不会辜负你。 更详细进入...
You could afford to be)less humble, you know.
中文: 你可以负担当)比较不卑下,你知道)。 更详细进入...
Construction of the Parthenon was championed by Pericles, Athens's most popular elected politician.
中文: 帕台农神庙正是由古雅典公推最孚众望的政治家培里克利斯一手促成的。 更详细进入...
We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open L/Cat once, otherwise you will be responsible fou all the losses arising therefrom.
中文: 希望贵方认真考虑商业信誉,立即开证,否则,由此产生的一切损失由贵方负责。 更详细进入...
I won't take the risk of being overlooked in public.
中文: 我不想大庭广众之下当电灯泡。 更详细进入...
Masks may not be worn in public.
中文: 在公开场合或当众不可戴面具。 更详细进入...
Certainly, heavy drinking and alcoholism deserve deep concern for the terrible toll they take on alcohol abusers and society in general.
中文: 当然,大量喝酒与酒精中毒值得高度重视,因为这对滥饮者与社会大众都是个沉重的负担。 更详细进入...
We'll have to count on good weather.
中文: 我们不得不指望一个好天气。 更详细进入...
Interest – making the mix special .
中文: 创意-让你的混缩变得与众不同。 更详细进入...