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I hope the rain will soon give over.

I hope the loyalist paramilitary groups will agree to decommission,that can be the end of the use of the gun in Irish politics,or at least by the major groups that have been involved so far and those that are still active presumably can be dealt with by t 我希望反独立准军事集团将同意退军,这样至少可以结束迄今为止牵涉在内的主要集团及活跃分子对爱尔兰政治的武力干涉,人们可以回归到单纯的政治上去。
I hope the principal doesn't tag us for skipping classes. 我希望校长不会发现我们逃课了.
I hope the products were okay. (我希望产品没有问题。)
I hope the prom will be a fantasy comes true. 我希望毕业舞会将使我的幻想成真。
I hope the rain will hold off for a few more hours. 我希望雨延迟几小时后再下。
I hope the rain will soon give over. 我希望雨不久即停。
I hope the readers of this book will also come to appreciate the charms of the musical, and will put the West End on their itinerary should they ever find themselves in London. 我希望读者们能够籍《音乐剧魅影》领略到音乐剧的魅力,并把西区作为未来伦敦之行的必经之地。
I hope the teacher can hold his hands,or I won't pass the exams. 我希望老师能对我手下留情,否则我根本过不了考试。
I hope the teacher could be mare merecfil to me,or Ican not pass the exam. 我希望老师能对我手下留情,否则我根本过不了考试。
I hope the teacher pronounces today a holiday. 我希望老师宣布今天放假。
I hope the teacher will go easy on me, otherwise, i will have no chance to pass the exam. 我希望老师能对我手下留情,否则我根本过不了考试。

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