Thinking is , or ought to be, a coolness and a calmness; and our poor hearts throb, and our poor brains beat too much for that.
中文: 思考是,或者应该是,冷静沉着的;而我们可怜的心怦怦跳,我们可怜的脑子老兴奋,使我们不能思考. 更详细进入...
I chewed the cud for a couple of days before deciding to refuse your offer.
中文: 我反复思考了二三天后才决定拒绝你的提议。 更详细进入...
I have always been impressed with the incredible pace of progress in the microelectronics industry, which faces new challenges every year but implacably overcomes them, one by one, to keep up its rate of miniaturization.
中文: 我一向对微电子工业不可思议的进步速度感到印象深刻,它每年都会面临新的挑战,但总能一个个加以克服,使微小化的速率可以跟得上。 更详细进入...
My liver tumor shrank faster than my doctor had ever seen? At my last visit, he looked dumbfounded. He won't take credit. He gives all the credit to me.
中文: 我的医生从未想到,我的肝肿瘤缩小会如此之快。在我最近一次就诊时,他目瞪口呆,不可思议,他相信我本人就是奇迹。 更详细进入...
Adding to the strangeness, there were Russians among them: big, blond men who danced, and affectionate young women kissing their Turcoman friends.
中文: 更不可思议的是,俄罗斯人加入了他们中间:高大的金发男子在跳舞,热情洋溢的年轻姑娘在亲吻着他们的土库曼朋友。 更详细进入...
That night I was responding to the calls from the hams in Vancouvre. When they learned about my equipment, they sounded so unbelieveable that I was very happy about myself.
中文: 那一天晚上,我一直在回答着温哥华“火腿”们的呼叫,当他们知道我的设备情况时,那不可思议的语调真是令我得意极了。 更详细进入...
Unbelievably, in Edward's clothes, Tom looked like the prince, and in Tom's clothes, Edward looked like a beggar.
中文: 不可思议的是,汤姆穿上爱德华的衣服后,看起来就像是当今的王子,而爱德华穿上汤姆的衣服时,看起来则像个乞丐。 更详细进入...
The Reds Spanish midfield maestro played his 100th game in the 3-1 win over Aston Villa and he has given us some magic moments in a red shirt so far.
中文: 红军西班牙中场指挥家的第100场比赛即为3:1战胜阿斯顿维拉,迄今为止他已经奉献给我们很多不可思议的瞬间。 更详细进入...
Dumbledore is probably not the same person as the bartender at the Hog's Head, but his brother Aberforth might be.
中文: 邓布利多不可能是猪头酒吧的男招待员,但是他的弟弟阿不福思有可能是。 更详细进入...
That TV debate between those two guys running for senator was sure a no holds barred affair.
中文: 这句话的意思是:「那两个竞选参议员的人在电视上进行辩论时真是毫不留情。 更详细进入...
Not deep and no much blood out. Suggest you use some band-aid.
中文: 店员:您的伤口不深,流血也不多,我建议您使用创可贴吧。 更详细进入...
A: you mean because it's small enough to fit into a pocket?
中文: 你的意思是说,它轻便得可以放进口袋里是不是? 更详细进入...
Having only one meaning; unambiguous.
中文: 单意的只具有一个意思的;意义上不模棱两可的 更详细进入...
There are still aristocrats, feudalistic thoughts and opinions existing within the RNA, which cannot be changed overnight by one decision.
中文: 尼泊尔王军中仍存在贵族,封建思想观念,这是不能通过决议在一夜间改变的。 更详细进入...
The authorization from SFC does not imply official approval or recommendation.
中文: 证监会之认可并不包含官方批准或推介的意思。 更详细进入...
Beneficiary's draft is negotiable at sight by the negotiating bank.
中文: 受益人汇票可通过议付行即期议付。 更详细进入...
With concentration, we can arrange thoughts in order and become a rapid thinker.
中文: 专心思考可以让我们的思维有条理性,从而成为一个思维敏锐地思考者。 更详细进入...
Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions.
中文: 伟大的作家不但有伟大的思想,还可以用能够非常吸引我们思想与情感的文字把这些思想表达出来. 更详细进入...
The proposal borders on the absurd .
中文: 该提议近乎可笑。 更详细进入...
Meeting likely carry over tomorrow director an oppose against majority, which may result unsuccessful.
中文: 会议可能于明日举行。领导A不同意大多数人意见,这样结果可能不会太好。 更详细进入...