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That night I was responding to the calls from the hams in Vancouvre. When they learned about my equipment, they sounded so unbelieveable that I was very happy about myself.

That night Dorothy and Toto slept under a big tree, next to the Cowardly Lion's big, warm body. In the morning they ate the last of their bread. 当晚,多萝西和托托挨着点小鬼狮子庞大,温暖的身体,睡在了一颗大树下。第二天早上,他们吃光了剩下的面包。
That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew. 40这夜神也如此行,独羊毛上是干的,别的地方都有露水。
That night I had been tired, so Ed moved me out of our bed, spread towels over the pillows and put a plastic bowl by Hannah's head. 那天晚上,我累了,埃德来替换我,他在枕头上铺好毛巾,在汉娜的头旁放一个塑料碗,一切都做完后才躺下来,断断续续地睡了一夜。
That night I had dinner with one of Starbucks's owners, Jerry Baldwin. 当晚我跟明星咖啡连锁公司的股东杰里巴登一起吃饭。
That night I left again for home. This time I went by bus. I don't hitchhike anymore. 那天晚上我离开后再次回家。这次我乘公共汽车,我再也不搭便车了。
That night I was responding to the calls from the hams in Vancouvre. When they learned about my equipment, they sounded so unbelieveable that I was very happy about myself. 那一天晚上,我一直在回答着温哥华“火腿”们的呼叫,当他们知道我的设备情况时,那不可思议的语调真是令我得意极了。
That night Mary dreamed a sweet dream about her meeting her mother. 那天夜里,玛丽做了一个甜美的梦,在梦里她见到了她的妈妈。
That night after the children had gone to bed, she told the woodcutter that the children had to go. 那天晚上孩子们睡觉之后,她告诉樵夫说孩子们非走不可。
That night as the scientists bedded down, gazing at the Southern Cross in a wonderful starry sky, a leopard warily circled the camp. 那天晚上,这群科学家躺上床,星空出奇地灿烂,尤其是南十字星座;一只花豹小心翼翼地在营地周围窥伺。
That night he had a stomachache! (吃了这么多),晚上就胃疼了!
That night her father visited my father and left, red-cheeked and indignant. 那天晚上,她父亲来拜访我父亲,走的时候一副面红耳赤,义愤填膺的样子。

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