Cistanche deserticola Ma var.flabellata,A New Variety of Cistanche from Inner Mongolia,China
中文: 内蒙古肉苁蓉属肉苁蓉一新变种——扇形肉苁蓉 更详细进入...
A: I'll sort you out sooner or later!
中文: 晚饭想吃牛肉还是鸡肉? 更详细进入...
Do you want beef or lamb?
中文: 你想要牛肉还是羊肉呢? 更详细进入...
He loved to eat meat, especially beef.
中文: 他很爱吃肉,尤其是牛肉。 更详细进入...
The cook cut up the meat for the pie.
中文: 这厨师将肉切碎做肉饼。 更详细进入...
Two types of new thermal spraying cored wires were fabricated with prefab Cr-B-Si powder, Cr, Cr C, and small amount of B-Fe powder covered by pure nickel sheaths.
中文: 通过用纯镍带包覆预制的Cr-B-Si粉以及Cr、Cr C、 少量B-Fe粉获得两种北京工业大学工学博士学位论文口翅里旦里典旦旦里旦旦旦旦里旦旦旦里旦旦旦里鱼旦旦旦里旦旦鱼里旦鱼夕鱼鱼鱼鱼鱼鱼鱼旦鱼鱼鱼旦鱼鱼~一一. . 更详细进入...
You're good at helping others figure out a compromise. Don't be dismayed if you can't get them to agree today, however.
中文: 你擅长帮助他人明了妥协的重要。就算今天无法促使他们达成协议,也别气馁。 更详细进入...
C: Well, I guess so. But I only see food that I don't like. I don't care for chicken and I can't stand fish. Do you have any oysters?
中文: 大概有吧。可我看到的尽是些我不喜欢的菜。我不喜欢吃鸡肉,鱼也不合我的口味。有牡蛎吗? 更详细进入...
I like pork better than beef.
中文: 和牛肉相比,我更喜欢猪肉。 更详细进入...
Auto Tray Sealer is suitable for keeping pickles, vegetables, meet, seafood and etc. fresh in normal temperature.
中文: 全自动真空充气保鲜包装机广泛用于新鲜食品(鱼、肉、果蔬)、熟食品和烧烤食品的气调保鲜。 更详细进入...
Try again. Fail again.Fail better.
中文: 再次尝试,再次失败.失败更好. 更详细进入...
Fish taco was just nasty and we tried curried chicken. That was just wrong,he said.
中文: 他说:“墨西哥鱼肉卷的味道有些令人作呕,所以我们试着改成咖喱鸡,但那是个错误的尝试。” 更详细进入...
HF9000I(400) Auto Tray Sealer is suitable for keeping pickles, vegetables, meet, seafood and etc. fresh in normal temperature.
中文: 全自动真空充气保鲜包装机广泛用于新鲜食品(鱼、肉、果蔬)、熟食品和烧烤食品的气调保鲜。 更详细进入...
Greenpeace and other environmental groups say the annual whale hunts are merely to satisfy national demand for whale meat and are in clear violation of the international ban on commercial whaling.
中文: 绿色和平组织与其他环保团体说每年的鲸鱼猎杀仅是用来满足该国对于鲸鱼肉品的需求,并且明显地违反了国际上的捕鲸商用禁令。 更详细进入...
Carnitine appears to decrease muscle soreness.
中文: 肉毒碱,可以减缓肌肉疼痛。 更详细进入...
Orc Male -I come from the Orcs. We eat with spoons and forks. We love to ear out pork.(Ryhme!!
中文: 兽人吃猪肉,猪肉要烧透。(唱)出门打野猪,回家烤猪肉。 更详细进入...
We have rice、chicken、beef、pork、carrots、eggplant、cucumber and green pepper .
中文: 我们有米饭、鸡肉、牛肉、猪肉、胡萝卜、茄子、黄瓜和青椒。 更详细进入...
I prefer beef rather than mutton.
中文: 我宁愿吃牛肉也不愿吃羊肉。 更详细进入...
This process preserved the fish, but required many months and made the rice wrappings inedible.
中文: 这样加工保存了鱼肉的鲜度,但得花费好几个月的时间,而且使得包在外层的米饭无法食用。 更详细进入...