Lateral wall , door Stainless steel with surface bite treatment , front lateral plate made of stainless steel , with hairy streak treatment .
中文: 侧壁、厢门不?袗?板镜面蚀刻处理,前侧板不?袗?板发纹处理。 更详细进入...
Touch the cylinder's flank, what do you find out? (The cylinder's flank is a camber.
中文: 用手摸一摸圆柱的侧面,你发现了什么?(侧面是一个曲面。) 更详细进入...
Changes of respiratory mechanics and pathology of both lungs after 1 lung aspiration of pepsin in rabbits;
中文: 单侧肺误吸胃蛋白酶呼吸力学及双侧肺病理学的改变 更详细进入...
Influence of standard extract of Ginkgo biloba on the medial vestibular nucleus ultrastructure following unilateral labyrinthectomy in guinea pigs
中文: 银杏制剂对一侧迷路切除后前庭内侧核超微结构影响 更详细进入...
The radial nerve alsodetaches the medial cutaneous antebrachial nerve to ramify on the fascia and skin of the cran-iomedial aspect of the forearm and medial of the proximal half of the metacarpus.
中文: 前臂内侧皮神经也山桡神经分出,分支分布于前臂前内侧面,掌近端半部内侧面的筋膜和皮肤。 更详细进入...
He sat on his father's right side.
中文: 他坐在父亲右侧。 更详细进入...
It is on the left.
中文: 它位房间的左侧。 更详细进入...
These shoes buckle at the side.
中文: 这鞋在侧面系扣. 更详细进入...
Namely cryptorchid;
中文: 单侧隐翠组0只; 更详细进入...
By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice.
中文: 箴8:15帝王藉我坐国位.君王藉我定公平。 更详细进入...
He is called the Merovingian, and he will not let him go willingly.
中文: 他叫梅若夫君,而他不会轻易放走解琐匠。 更详细进入...
He looseth the bond of kings, and girdeth their loins with a girdle.
中文: 18他放松君王的绑,又用带子捆他们的腰。 更详细进入...
If a gentleman can be free from temptation of profit at the cost of morality, no shame or disgrace will ever befall him.
中文: 君子苟能无以利害义,则耻辱亦无由至矣。 更详细进入...
No one would like to live in a tyrannical despotism.
中文: 谁也不愿意生活在一个暴君专制的国家。 更详细进入...
Hoof Pick/Brush: The hoofpick/brush combo can be found a most tack stores.
中文: 蹄勾/刷:一侧为蹄勾另一侧为蹄刷,也有勾刷分开的款型。 更详细进入...
Applied anatomy of the lateral approach to the vertebral lamina for treating extreme lateral lumber dsic herniation
中文: 椎板侧方入路治疗极外侧腰椎间盘突出症的应用解剖 更详细进入...
Electrophysiological and morphological properties of the ventral neurons in medial geniculate body in rats
中文: 大鼠内侧膝状体腹侧部神经元形态和电生理特征研究 更详细进入...
Fig.3 MCAO for 3 hours,PWI showed that the maximun reducing amplitued of time-signal intensity was smaller than that of the left temporal lobe on the right sied,and after reperfusion there was almost identical.
中文: PW显示左侧颞叶的时间一信号强度曲线的最在下降幅度较健侧小,恢复血供后两侧基本一致. 更详细进入...
To clean or inspect either check module, insert a #3 screwdriver through the downstream side of the check module as shown in Figure D and E.
中文: 要清洗或检查每个止回阀模块,如图D和E所示,则要通过止回阀模块的下游一侧插入一把3号螺丝刀。 更详细进入...
Argument: If I need to make sense of it, such is the purpose of philosophy.
中文: 辩君:若要我解读,哲学的目的就只有这个。 更详细进入...