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    Watching Buffon diving on his right and Sheva sending the ball where no Buffon or anybody else could stop the ball.

    中文: 布冯扑向右侧,而舍瓦将点球罚向另外一个方向,任何人都无法阻止皮球应声入网。 更详细进入...
    When you see Mr Bush featured in a political television ad,you can be pretty confident that a Democrat put him there.

    中文: 如果你在电视政治广告中看到布什,毫无疑问,一定是某个民主党人把他放上去的。 更详细进入...
    About a dozen banks have set up shop in Kabul during the past year and two wireless telecoms providers have invested more than $100m.

    中文: 去年,约有12家银行在喀布尔设点,有两家无线电信供应商已在阿投资逾1亿美元。 更详细进入...
    Despite the Taliban's claims, it's been difficult to find independant confirmation of the number of civilian death in Kabul.

    中文: 尽管塔利班声称死伤无数,但我们很难找到对于喀布尔平民死亡人数的独立确认。 更详细进入...
    Proposed race representatives list will be announced within one to one and a half month before the race held or as soon as possible.

    中文: 赛队入选名单并无正负选之分,在情况许可下,将于每次赛事一个至个半月前公布。 更详细进入...
    Unbound by the constraints of physical reality, these powerful, mystical creatures often range far and wide: almost no realm is out of reach.

    中文: 没有物理实体的限制,这些强大而神秘的生物的分布极其宽广,可以说是无所不至。 更详细进入...
    President Bush visited Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns. He said he's awed by American to sacrifice themselves for their country.

    中文: 在美国阵亡将士纪念日,美国总统布什在阿灵顿国家公墓向无名战士墓献上了花圈。布什说他对那些为国捐躯的国人怀有敬畏之心。 更详细进入...
    Various examples winding equipment used in different processed in the production, such as plastic sheet and film,aluminum foils,paper laminates,glass fiber,and sinilar web material, Efficient winders make product more clean, beautiful and non-loss.

    中文: 卷取设备,可广泛用于生产线上如塑胶薄膜、铝箔、纸、玻纤布和其它类似的布料,将有效帮助您提升生产效率,使成品更整齐、美观无损耗。 更详细进入...
    Then, in his fourth and final season in Indiana, Brown failed to get the Pacers into the playoffs.

    中文: 后来,布朗到了印地安那,在步行者执教的第四个赛季和第五赛季(也是布朗呆在这里的最后一个赛季),他都无法让球队进入季候赛。 更详细进入...
    Application: This machine is suitable for printing roll plastic film, non-woven cloth, thin leather, paper, aluminum foil, cloth and various soft packages with excellent performance and it is a kind of ideal printing equipment for wine box, shoe bag, milk

    中文: 应用:本机适合印刷塑料薄膜辊、无纺布、薄皮革、纸张、铝箔、软包布及各种性能优良,是一种理想的印刷设备葡萄酒盒、鞋袋,牛奶膜、背心袋. 更详细进入...
    Most blues feature simple, usually three-chord, progressions and have simple structures that are open to endless improvisations, both lyrical and musical.

    中文: 大多数布鲁斯乐的特点是简单的,通常是三和弦的和弦级进,而在词作和音乐上的简单结构则对于无穷无尽的即兴敞开了大门。 更详细进入...
    in place of the one-time cloth ones.

    中文: 而不用以前的 布尿布了. 更详细进入...
    Feature: The cake is carefully made by using 100% pure arbor tree leaves from Bulong mountain in Menghai.

    中文: 特点:该茶选自勐海布朗山茶区大叶乔木古树茶原料精致而成,无任何拼配,干净卫生。 更详细进入...
    Over time, the unexplained portion of the pay gap grows,the group said in a news release.

    中文: 研究人员在新闻发布会上称,“随着时间的推移,这个无法解释的部分收差距越来越大。” 更详细进入...
    There is, however, as yet no evidence that Chelsea can thrive without a single-minded managerial vision to accompany Abramovich's wealth.

    中文: 无论如何,如果没有一个诚实的教练来支配阿布的钱,那切尔西就不会有现在的繁荣。 更详细进入...
    In the cotton cloth, there is fine pure cotton twill, pure cotton khaki cloth, middle-long adhered polyester fiber cloth, polyester-cotton blended fine cloth, polyester and cotton shantung, T/R drill corduroy, etc.

    中文: 棉布有纯棉细斜纹布、纯棉纱卡其布、涤粘中长布、涤棉细布、涤棉府绸、华达呢、涤粘卡其、灯芯绒等。 更详细进入...
    The yarn NFDY 30/36 FD and the grey fabric have hastened maturely. At present has produced grey fabric 353T*64woven fabric for garment use. Also accept order RIP-STOP and TWILL.

    中文: 36纱与胚布已趋成熟,目前已生产胚布353T*64平纹布,供成衣使用,另可接受格子布、斜纹布等订单。 更详细进入...
    A veil has lifted my eyes The fold that lay over me no longer lie Your infinity is revealed to me It shines in your smile It wsa like a gift floating down through the dark A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart A feeling inside,an invisible guide H

    中文: 无以名状的夜遮蔽双眼的面纱已然揭起覆盖在身上的层层布幔也已不在我看到了你的无限在你无垠的笑容里熠熠发光像一份礼物自黑暗中乍现像一双白鸟在我心叶上找到栖所一种感觉一种无形的指引明示我一条出路无以名状的夜无以名状的夜无以名状的夜是你吗? 更详细进入...
    Model this adopt servo motor , when parking can make course person who control needle always on cloth or under the cloth , as to long arm model, not needing to shut down in the rotate hand wheel, it is more convenient to operate.

    中文: 本机型采用伺服电机、缝制过程中停车时可控制机针总是在布料之上或布料之下、对长臂机型而言,无需停机室转动手轮,操作更加方便。 更详细进入...
    the CMA AG genotype frequencies of early diabetic nephro pathy and overt diabetic nephropathy groups were higher than control, but the difference was not statistically signifleant(P>0. 0);

    中文: 糖尿病网膜症组(DR卜)、BDR、PDR组)与CON组间CMA基因型分布及A、G等位基因的频率与ACE基因型分布和I、D等位基因频率均无显著差异(P>0 .0)。 更详细进入...

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