Watched the back view of her worn-out clothes going away, he dazed for a while.
他望着她离去的、穿破衣裳的背影,怔了好一会。 |
Watchers no longer die when Weaver dies. They also have better night vision.
旁观者不会因为主机死亡而也挂掉了,他们在晚上具有更佳的视野。 |
Watches are not followed precisely, and one barely ever hears the question, What time is it?
没人会精确地按时钟行事,几乎听不到以下的问题:“现在几点了?” |
Watches with quartz crystal movements never have to be wound.
装有石英晶体机蕊的手錶毋需上发条。 |
Watchin me while I write this, like I don't like this (Nope!
看着我写这些(歌)就像我不喜欢这个(不!) |
Watching Buffon diving on his right and Sheva sending the ball where no Buffon or anybody else could stop the ball.
布冯扑向右侧,而舍瓦将点球罚向另外一个方向,任何人都无法阻止皮球应声入网。 |
Watching Chico Evani, one of the faithful heroes of the Hellish times score the winner in Tokyo in the last minute of regulation against Medellin. Pure extase!!!
埃瓦尼,这位在球队降入乙级的黑暗岁月里仍能忠诚而坚定地留守在此的英雄之一,在东京丰田杯决赛对阵麦德林独立队的最后一分钟打进致胜一球。令人心驰神往!!! |
Watching Franky Rijkaard continue the Tradition in Vienna.
弗兰克.里杰卡尔德在维也纳的进球最终决定冠军归属,米兰成功卫冕,红黑军团延续着自己在欧洲的霸主地位。 |
Watching Ruud Tulipano Nero Gullit jump higher than Pagliuca with his hands at Marassi and giving the victory to Milan!
在马拉西球场,“黑色郁金香”罗德.古利特力压桑普多利亚门将帕柳卡,为米兰带来一场伟大的胜利! |
Watching TV and reading newspapers.
答:看电视,读报纸。 |
Watching TV is a popular family pastime.
看电视是一种大众化的家庭娱乐。 |