干细胞 蛋白质组 癌症 人参 移植 化疗 糖尿病
Paralyzing Touch III - Counterattack that stuns your opponent for 25 seconds or until they are hit. Can only be used after a dodge.
中文: 打晕目标25秒,只能在一次成功闪避后使用。目标受攻击恢复。 更详细进入...
All this makes investors, who should be bullish, uncertain about what the near future may bring.
中文: 向来自信的投资商也因此晕头转向,无法预测前景。 更详细进入...
In general, syncope is defined by a brief loss of consciousness (fainting) or by dimmed vision and feeling uncoordinated, confused, and lightheaded.
中文: 一般说来,晕厥的定义是意识的短暂丧失(晕倒)或两眼发黑,感到共济失调、意识迷糊或头昏眼花。 更详细进入...
Ren shen can generates fluids and reduce thirst, for xinqixu (heart qi deficient) palpitations with instant sweating and anxiety, insomnia, dizziness/headache, forgetfulness, impotence, diabetes, bleeding in the vagina not during period, seizures in child
中文: 用于心气虚之阵跳,倦怠,反胃吐食,大便滑泄、虚咳喘促,自汗暴脱、惊悸、健忘、眩晕头痛、阳痿尿频、消渴、妇女崩漏,小儿慢惊,及久虚不复,不安,一切气虚血虚津液不足之证。 更详细进入...
7% exposure group workers had headache,swirl,retire,hypersomnia,remember ability reduce was higher than .79% in control group.
中文: 暴露组中有头疼、头晕、易倦、乏力、嗜睡、记忆力减退等者占 .7%,高于对照组.79%。 更详细进入...
His head spun a little and his eyelids grew heavy as the wine took effect.
中文: 因为酒的作用,他的头开始有点晕,眼皮开始睁不开了。 更详细进入...
If present, these signs include pallor, weakness, lightheadedness, yawning, nausea, diaphoresis, hyperventilation, blurred vision, and impaired hearing immediately before the syncopal event.
中文: 晕厥发生前,可立即出现面色苍白、虚弱无力、头晕、打哈欠、恶心、出汗、过度通气、视力模糊和听力下降。 更详细进入...
If present, these signs include pallor, weakness, lightheadedness, yawning, nausea, diaphoresis, hyperentilation, blurred ision, and impaired hearing immediately before the syncopal eent.
中文: 晕厥发生前,可立即出现面色苍白、虚弱无力、头晕、打哈欠、恶心、出汗、过度通气、视力模糊和听力下降。 更详细进入...
Add several highlights of different intensity, using Filter ?Render ?Lens Flare.
中文: 使用滤镜-渲染-镜头光晕在图片中如下添加一些小光源。 更详细进入...
中文: 让交响乐搞得晕头转向,那只不快乐的海鸟绝望地死去。 更详细进入...
Still the Indian Summer help on, and he continued to crawl and faint, turn and turn about; and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels.
中文: 宜人的气候还在持续,他不断爬前、晕倒、爬前、晕倒,如此周而反复;而那头狼则始终在他脚后跟处咳嗽、喘气。 更详细进入...
He was in a daze and could not understand what was happening.
中文: 他一直处在晕头转向之中,而且无法知道发生了什麽事。 更详细进入...
Level 2 - Paralyzing cask bounce 4 times between enemy units (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals 75 damage to non-hero units per bounce.
中文: 二级-麻痹药剂在敌方单位之间弹跳4次,每次弹射造成英雄1秒/普通单位5秒的晕眩,并对普通单位造成75点的伤害。 更详细进入...
TCM manuals indicate some side effects including dizziness, nausea, dry mouth and nosebleed.
中文: TCM手册提醒,可能有包括头晕、恶心、口干和流鼻血等副作用。 更详细进入...
The adverse events such as nausea,vomiting and urinary retention in group L were markedly lower than those of group M(P<0.0).
中文: M组头晕、恶心、呕吐、皮肤骚痒及尿潴留均高于L组(P均<0.0)。 更详细进入...
During the treatment,if there appear some symptoms of fainting,such as pallor,sweating or dizziness,management should be taken promptly.
中文: 例10医者在针刺过程中,发现患者面色苍白,出汗或诉说头晕时,这是晕针的表现,应及时采取处理措施. 更详细进入...
Your potential[1] is like those jewels with a dazzling array of facets.
中文: 而你的潜能就像那些从各个钻面上闪烁着眩目光彩的宝石一般。 更详细进入...
The clinical manifestation were mainly including itch- pain(00%), blushes(.8%), skin rash(78.%), papule(.%), water(pus) blister( . %), fever rarely(.%) and dizziness(.%) and so on 98.% patients of which were treated by themselves.
中文: 临床表现以轻微的痒痛(00%)、红晕(.8%)、皮疹(78.%)、丘疹(.%)多见,水(脓)疱( . %)常见,少见发热(.%)和头晕(.%)等症状,98.%的病例自行处理。 更详细进入...
Clinically the typical lesions are characterized by verrucous thickening and brown pigmentation of the nipple and areola.
中文: 典型的临床表现为乳头及乳晕上有疣状增厚及棕色斑块。 更详细进入...
Living half the time in Oxford and half in Paris makes me feel quite schizophrenic.
中文: 我有一半时间住在牛津, 一半时间住在巴黎, 弄得我晕头转向. 更详细进入...
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