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Add several highlights of different intensity, using Filter ?Render ?Lens Flare.

Add salt to correct the seasoning. 加点盐把味道调好.
Add salt to taste, place mung bean noodle in pan, cook until boil, remove from heat. Sprinkle with shred leek. Serve. 加盐调味,放入粉丝,煮滚即熄火,撒下青蒜丝即可盛出食用。
Add salt to taste. 按口味放盐.
Add sea urchin on top of the taglierini. 即置海胆于意大利面上。
Add seasoning to cattlefish and stir until it turns sticky. 加调味搅至起胶,加入肥肉伴匀,做成墨鱼丸。
Add several highlights of different intensity, using Filter ?Render ?Lens Flare. 使用滤镜-渲染-镜头光晕在图片中如下添加一些小光源。
Add some coolant into the radiator, please. 请给水箱里加些冷却液。
Add some new ways you may never have tried before but which you think could positively change your state as well. 加上一些你可能以前从来都没试过但你觉得也可积极改变你状态的新方法。
Add stock and tomatoes, bring to a boil, and cover. Cook on medium-low heat for about 20 minutes; remove chicken, and set aside. 加入鸡汤和番茄,盖盖煮。中低火煮大约20分钟;取出鸡肉,放在一边。
Add sugar a little at a time; continue beating until whites are glossy and stiff. 然后慢慢加入砂糖,每次加入少许,继续搅打至蛋白呈现干性发泡。
Add sugar and, if desired, 1/2 cups of raisins. 然后加糖,如果喜欢葡萄干也可以加进去。

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