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    How could you use the Internet to learn if a bill was scheduled for a vote in the House of Representatives?

    中文: 您如何使用网际网路学会如何票据预定了于一个表决在众议院里? 更详细进入...
    [color=#DC143C]He produced a very controversial film last year but it has since attracted a large audience.

    中文: 去年他制作了一部很有争议的电影,但放映以来吸引了大量的观众。 更详细进入...
    The House has yet to pass a bill, but it willprobably include most of this tosh, as well as subsidies for the pettechnologies of various congressmen, perhaps including a particularlygrubby fuel derived from coal.

    中文: 众议院将会通过一个议案,但是议案很可能会包括大部分的那些陈词滥调,以及那些国会议员们钟爱的技术,也许还包括从煤炭中提取肮脏的能源的技术。 更详细进入...
    One of the largest giant squid ever found was put on display at London's Natural History Museum yesterday.

    中文: 日前,伦敦自然历史博物馆展出了一条世界上最大的鱿鱼,引起了众多参观者极大的兴趣。 更详细进入...
    His approach is to create what he calls a “multidimensional mathematical decision-space of possible behaviour actions”.

    中文: 阿金博士采取的方法是建立起一种他称为可能行为动作的多维精确的决策空间。 更详细进入...
    This paper concisely analyzed about the interview work of the library, and put forward the countermeasure and suggestion.

    中文: 本文就图书馆采访工作作了简要分析,并提出了对策和建议。 更详细进入...
    Athena used the disguise of Mentor to advise and stand beside her beloved Odysseus.

    中文: 阿西娜采用曼托的伪装建议并且站在她心爱的奥德赛旁边。 更详细进入...
    I would strongly recommend picking up Mining if you plan on Jewelcrafting.

    中文: 如果你打算学习珠宝加工,我强烈建议你学习采矿来配合它。 更详细进入...
    B:can i offer you a suggestion?why don't you buy it on an installment plan?

    中文: 我可以给你提个建议吗?你为什么不采用分期付款的方式呢? 更详细进入...
    Using an advanced magnetic powder separator, the suspension system automatically adjusts elasticity according to the different weights of the audience members.

    中文: 悬挂系统采用先进的磁粉离分器,能根据不同观众体重自动调节拉力。 更详细进入...
    It's his man-management that makes him stand out,' Heinze said in an interview with Sky Sports magazine.

    中文: 杰出的人员管理令他与众不同.’海因策在天空体育杂志的采访中说道. 更详细进入...
    House Republicans are upset over Democratic plans to enact their initiatives without being able to offer any amendments.

    中文: 众议院共和党无法提出修正意见,对民主党制定提案的计划感到不满。 更详细进入...
    Indiana is one of the key battleground states, with three House races out of nine looking competitive.

    中文: 印第安那州是关键性的战场之一,要从9个竞争者中产生3个众议员。 更详细进入...
    Lk. 19:7 And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, He has gone in to lodge with a sinful man.

    中文: 路十九7众人看见,都纷纷地唧咕议论说,他竟然进到罪人家里去住宿。 更详细进入...
    The sun is out, the weather is perfect, and an eclectic collection of people from across the country has gathered to protest mind control.

    中文: 太阳出来了,天气很好,来自全国各地的民众聚集在一起,抗议精神控制。 更详细进入...
    Foreign languages, as communicating bridges between guests and traders from home and abroad, are one of the key factors to the success of the expositions since officials, guests, exhibitors and buyers from different countries expect a good environment of

    中文: 认为外语作为博览会中外来宾、客商沟通的桥梁,为各国官员、贵宾、参展商及采购商提供优良的外语服务环境,是办好博览会的关键之一。 更详细进入...
    In a separate news conference, Senate majority leader HR joined House Speaker NP in urging the president to reconsider.

    中文: 在一两党各自的新闻发布会上,参议院多数党领导人HR同众议院发言人NP一起均力劝总统重新考虑该方案。 更详细进入...
    In a separate news conference, Senate __4__ leader HR joined House Speaker NP in __5__ the president to reconsider.

    中文: 在一两党各自的新闻发布会上,参议院多数党领导人HR同众议院发言人NP一起均力劝总统重新考虑该方案。 更详细进入...
    He leads a subcommittee in the House of Representatives that provides money for government operations.

    中文: 他领导的众议院的一个附属委员会,专门负责为政府机构的运转拨款。 更详细进入...
    In Bolivia, thousands took to the streets in 2000 after a public water system was privatized.

    中文: 二000年,玻利维亚的某个公共供水系统民营化后,几千位民众上街抗议。 更详细进入...

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