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His approach is to create what he calls a “multidimensional mathematical decision-space of possible behaviour actions”.

His appetite became ravenous and his caloric intake doubled, yet he lost 10 kg. 他的胃口变得很大,食物热量增加2倍,但体重却减轻了10公斤。
His application was rejected out of hand. 他的申请当即遭到了拒绝。
His appointment ended the era of Kuomintang (KMT) dominance over Taiwan politics as he became the first Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) stalwart to head the cabinet. 张俊雄成为首位领导内阁的民进党核心人士,结束了国民党掌政的年代。
His appointment was gazetted last week. 上周在公报上宣布了对他的任命.
His apprehension is very strong. 他的理解力很强。
His approach is to create what he calls a “multidimensional mathematical decision-space of possible behaviour actions”. 阿金博士采取的方法是建立起一种他称为可能行为动作的多维精确的决策空间。
His approval rating on Iraq has fallen below 40 percent in polls. 他对伊拉克责骂已经跌到了百分之四十以下的选票支持。
His apron was blotted with oil. 他的围裙上满是油点。
His ardently love in Pingpong is affected by his father,who is a famous Pingpong coach . 他对乒乓球的热爱是受他父亲,一位著名的乒乓球教练的影响.
His ardour for the cause inspired his followers. 他对事业的热情激励著他的追随者.
His area of concentration is economics. 他专心研究经济学。

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