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    Don't whistle down the wind.

    中文: 别白费唇舌了。 更详细进入...
    Study on the Difference of Food Lingual Tactile Perception Between Different Papillae

    中文: 不同乳头对食品舌面触觉感受差异性研究 更详细进入...
    One third of the Earth's surface is land and two thirds is sea.

    中文: 地球表面有三分之一是陆地,三分之二是海洋。 更详细进入...
    His wound became festering.

    中文: 他的伤口在溃烂。 更详细进入...
    Anatomic characteristics of linqual artery and midline glossectomy

    中文: 舌动脉的解剖特点与舌根中线部分切除术的关系 更详细进入...
    He’s drunk as a skunk.

    中文: 他喝得烂醉如泥! 更详细进入...
    Light of the Emperor!

    中文: 帝皇的光辉灿烂! 更详细进入...
    There is a broken small old gray stone bridge over the river.

    中文: 河上有一座破烂不堪的、古老的、灰色的小石桥。 更详细进入...
    There will be no more sunrises,no days, no hours or minutes.

    中文: 不再有旭日东升、灿烂白昼和一分一秒的光阴。 更详细进入...
    The best thing you can do is use relative text sizing (not pixels) that allows the browser to respect the user's preferred text size.

    中文: 最好的方式就是使用相对字体尺寸(而不是像素),这样可以根据浏览器的不能特性来自由规定出不同的尺寸。 更详细进入...
    Brushing the tongue or using a commercial tongue scraper, especially over the bumpiest region of the tongue, may help remove the odor-causing agents as well as lower the overall bacteria count in the mouth.

    中文: 刷舌头或使用专门的刮舌器,特别是在舌头的崎岖不平的区域,有助于清除产生气味导致的食物以及在整体上降低口腔中细菌的数量。 更详细进入...
    Moreover, once you begin to appropriate a voice that isn't yours, it becomes easier accidentally to appropriate words and ideas——to plagiarize.

    中文: 而且,当你鹦鹉学舌,用他人之口说话时,你更容易不经意地挪用别人的语句或观点——即去剽窃。 更详细进入...
    Out of proportion, as in size, shape, or amount.

    中文: 不成比例的,不相称的,如在尺寸、形状或数量上 更详细进入...
    5 The casing programme of this well is for 30” conductor (riser), 20” surface casing, 13 3/8” and 9 5/8” intermediate casing, and 7” liner.

    中文: 本井的套管程序是:30英寸导管,20英寸表层套管,133/8和95/8英寸技术套管,最后下7英寸尾管。 更详细进入...
    Now Wendy was every inch a woman, though there were not very many inches, and she peeped out of the bed-clothes.

    中文: 原来温迪从头到脚每一寸都是个女娃,虽说她身高总共也不过几寸。她忍不住从床单底下探出头来。 更详细进入...
    Note : if your measurement is bigger than this tutorial, than use a higher value; as I said in the begi ing of this tutorial that measurement affects every xyz and of course this fillet value as well.

    中文: 记住:如果你发现你的尺寸大了,那么使用一个更小的值;我想说的是,在开始做之前,应该检查它们的尺寸。 更详细进入...
    Also beside this very picture of splendor, on the river bend, a flock of sheep are grazing, their heads bowed.

    中文: 也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。 更详细进入...
    Among all those dazzling colors and brilliant beauty, the natural elegance of this composure, also fascinates people's flowerish imagination.

    中文: 在姹紫嫣红的百花争艳之中,这素面朝天的淡定,也是一种绚烂吧。 更详细进入...
    Beside this picture with profusions(1) of colors, a group(2) of sheep are lowing their heads, eating(9) by the river bank.

    中文: 也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。 更详细进入...
    It was near this picture of brilliant colors that lowing their heads, a flock of sheep were grazing in the waterside of a river bend.

    中文: 也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。 更详细进入...

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