[kjv] All they that were numbered in the camp of Dan were an hundred thousand and fifty and seven thousand and six hundred. They shall go hindmost with their standards.
中文: 这些以色列人,照他们的宗族,按他们的军队,在诸营中被数的,共有六十万零三千五百五十名。 更详细进入...
A heretical or unorthodox religious belief.
中文: 宗教信仰异教的或非正统的宗教信仰 更详细进入...
Based on the universal phenomenon of human religions existing in multiple forms, this research infers that the immanent religious disposition in human minds suggests a subjective condition for the formation of religion by listing different eco-systemsas a
中文: 在此从人类普遍而多种型态的宗教事实,推论出宗教在人心灵内具有的先天宗教本能爲宗教形成的主观条件,以解说宗教的普遍性。 更详细进入...
Chen I-wan and Zhang Tie-zheng &wife, and Liu Cheng-chang, earthquake prediction researchers.
中文: 陈一文与中国地震预测专家张铁铮及夫人,以及刘承昌与沈宗丕。 更详细进入...
Darwin was before his time with his ideas.
中文: 达尔文思想超越了时代而不能为当代人所接受。 更详细进入...
Where illiteracy carries a stigma, it can be especially difficult to combat.
中文: 在有些地方文盲代表耻辱,扫除文盲尤其困难。 更详细进入...
On account of embezzling at large the west concept of Modernity, our discourse system of Modernity have alienated the character of Modernity of Chinese literature and literary theory of the 20th century in substance.
中文: 摘要由于普遍盗用西方现代性概念等原因,我国文论界的现代性话语系统已基本疏离20世纪中国文学、文论现代性的主要品质。 更详细进入...
The Chinese common law mainly existed in the rule of li(politeness), and it was characterized by its patriarchal and national essence.
中文: 摘要中国古代的习惯法主要存在于“礼”中,且具有宗族性和民族性的特点。 更详细进入...
The investor may get a good deal on one block trade at the price of giving the bank an overall edge.
中文: 投资者也许能在大宗交易上做笔好买卖,但代价是把整体优势给了银行。 更详细进入...
While religion seriously hindered the progress of modem science, it also unmistakably played an active role in the rising of science in the modem history.
中文: 宗教曾对近代科学的兴起起过致命的迫害和阻滞作用,但它同时也是近代科学兴起的一个积极因素。 更详细进入...
The Text object represents the textual content of an element or attribute.
中文: 文本对象代表了一个元素或属性的文本内容。 更详细进入...
In the 1990's, cultural prose is popular in Chinese prose field, it isn't occasional event that exist as a literary term which come forth decade after inovation and opening times.
中文: 摘要“文化散文”是诞生于90年代的散文文体,同时也作为一个文学词汇而存在。 更详细进入...
This paper has combed out a modern pedigree of all forms from the impetuousof enlightenment history.
中文: 本文在百年启蒙历史的“骄嚣”中,梳理出了由两种基本路径组成但又由两种路径演绎出的形形色色的现代性谱系。 更详细进入...
In fact, many New Agers tend to shy away from the structure and confines of traditional religious practices.
中文: 事实上,许多新时代人都倾向于羞怯地避开传统宗教修行的结构和界限。 更详细进入...
The partnership with it is in line with Audi's principle of sponsoring.
中文: 选择这一合作伙伴,与奥迪在全球文化领域的赞助宗旨一脉相承。 更详细进入...
Wicca is different than the religions of the ancient people, but it embraces some of the same beliefs.
中文: 巫术崇拜不同于古代人民的宗教信仰,但它包含了一些同样的信仰要素。 更详细进入...
Writes application error messages to text-file.
中文: 这个代码写应用程序错误到一个文本文件中。 更详细进入...
The complexion of contentions of different schools in the Chinese Pre-Qin period constructs the cultural land scape made by free spirit、the prosperity of the national education、the flourish of learning in Chinese ancient society.
中文: 摘要中国先秦时期的百家争鸣、学说蜂起的局面,酿就了中国古代社会思想自由、教育勃兴、学术繁荣的文化景观。 更详细进入...
Masterpieceis a reflection of the people's livelihood comprises classical Chinese short texts.
中文: 《聊斋志异》是一部反映民生百态的文言短篇巨著。 更详细进入...
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Physiological Character of Bahia Grass(Paspalum notatum,Poaceae)
中文: 丛枝菌根真菌对百喜草的生理特性的影响(英文) 更详细进入...