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Darwin was before his time with his ideas.

Darwin has this month overtaken Brisbane for median house values, making Brisbane only the sixth most expensive city in Australia. 达尔文这个月的房价中间值已经超过布里斯班,使布里斯班成为澳洲第六大消费最高的城市。
Darwin set out to question views about how life had developed on the earth. 达尔文开始对地球上的生命是如何形成的那些观点提出了疑问。
Darwin showed in detail how life changes over the course of time by the process of natural selection, but failed to explain how those changes can take different courses, dividing a species in two and thus multiplying the number of species. 达尔文只是详细解释了随着时间的推移生命是怎么通过自然选择的过程发生变化的,并没有说明这些变化是如何采取了不同的方式,让一个物种一分为二从而增加的物种的数目。
Darwin spend more than twenty year work on his theory of evolution. 达尔文花了二十余年时间研究他的进化论。
Darwin spent more than twenty years working on his theory of evolution. 达尔文花了二十余年时间研究他的进化论。
Darwin was before his time with his ideas. 达尔文思想超越了时代而不能为当代人所接受。
Darwin was born in 1809 at Shrewsbury, where he went to school. 达尔文于1809年生于舒兹伯利,在那里上的中小学.
Darwin's enormous numbers of specimens and detailed notes on what he saw were sent back to Cambridge on other ships whenever the Beagle reached a major port. “比格尔号”每到一个主要港口,达尔文就把大量的标本以及关于自己所见所闻的详细笔记运上其他船只送回剑桥。
Darwin's views were the result of years of careful observation, thought and study. 达尔文的观点是多年细心观察,思考和研究的结果。
Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-82) British naturalist noted for his theory of evolution by NATURAL SELECTION. 达尔文:英国博物学家,进化论的奠基人。
Darwin: It was the logical next step after coming down from the trees. 达尔文:鸡不再栖居在树上之后,这是合理的进化方向.

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