Where he is to the end?
他到底在哪儿呢? |
Where he lives is not clear.
他住哪儿不清楚。 |
Where he made mistakes, he admitted these willingly.
他在什么地方做错了事,他都乐于承认这些错误。 |
Where however it appears to the court that a Legal Aid certificate has been obtained by fraud or misrepresentation or that an aided person has acted improperly in the proceedings, the court may order the aided person to be personally responsible for his o
但若法庭认为受助人用欺诈手段或错误陈述取得法律援助证书,或受助人于诉讼期间行为不当,则法庭可以下令受助人支付其个人或对方的诉讼费。 |
Where id the nearest Mexico restaurant?
最近的墨西哥餐馆在哪? |
Where illiteracy carries a stigma, it can be especially difficult to combat.
在有些地方文盲代表耻辱,扫除文盲尤其困难。 |
Where in Italy are you from?
您是从意大利的什么地方来? |
Where in an extradition treaty there are special provisions to govern the communication authority, the provisions there shall prevail.
引渡条约对联系机关有特别规定的,依照条约规定。 |
Where in heaven were you then?
当时你到底在哪里? |
Where in long evenings there are a million fireplaces with logs forever burning, and one curls oneself and blinks into the flames and nods and dreams, remembering the old brave days on earth and the love of one's Master and Mistress.
每个漫长的夜晚,都有无数的壁炉,永无止尽地在那儿燃烧柴火,木柴一根根卷曲起来,闪烁著火焰的光芒,我们打著盹,进入梦乡,忆起我们在人世间的旧日英勇时光,以及对男主人和女主人的爱。 |
Where in suits of subrogation brought separately by two or more obligees, the same secondary obligor is named as the defendant, the People's Court may combine the suits for adjudication.
两个或者两个以上债权人以同一次债务人为被告提起代位权诉讼的,人民法院可以合并审理。 |