Hard chrome-coated surface. Surfaces: mirror, halfmirror, fine mist and mist. Jacket spiral cooling water forced heat exchange.
中文: 表面镀硬铬潞,镜面、半镜面、细雾面和雾面四种表面状态。夹套螺旋式冷却水强制热交换结构。 更详细进入...
I'd rather play half-court, because you don't have have to run so much.
中文: 我宁愿打半场,打半场你不用跑太多的距离。 更详细进入...
Don't leave your work half done.
中文: 工作不要半途而废。 更详细进入...
Are they not as forgetful as you are?
中文: 他们难道不是像你们一样遗忘了吗? 更详细进入...
中文: 难道你不知道我已经忘记了那件事? 更详细进入...
Food is an obsession in this country.
中文: 这个国家的人时时处处都忘不了吃。 更详细进入...
For all humans desire at one point to be immortal, not to be forgotten.
中文: 人的欲望总是无穷,永远不会被忘却. 更详细进入...
It is useless to muse upon past errors.
中文: 念念不忘昔日的过错是没有益处的。 更详细进入...
Per contra I don't ask her to forget but to remember.
中文: 相反,我不是要她忘记,而是要她记住。 更详细进入...
Sorry,I forgot to take the driver's license .I'll get right on it .
中文: 对不起,我忘了带驾驶证,我就回去拿。 更详细进入...
Semidouble bright rose-pink pansy. Dark green, ovate, glossy/red back. Semiminiature.
中文: 半重瓣堇型花,明亮的玫瑰粉色。深绿色叶,叶面光滑,红色叶背。半迷你型。 更详细进入...
She removed the veil, tore it in two and threw it on the floor.
中文: 她取下面纱,将它撕成两半,扔到了地上。” 更详细进入...
Explore the old streets with their art galleries, antiques shops and small cafes and restaurants.
中文: 不过,千万别忘了尝尝溶化奶油干酪。 更详细进入...
I don't think you could ever drink away the memory.
中文: 我看你决不能借喝酒来忘掉这件事。 更详细进入...
Just don't forget, please fill up the bottle before you leave.
中文: 不要忘了,在你离开前,请再将水装满! 更详细进入...
Let's keep in touch./Don't forget to drop me a line.
中文: 让我们保持练习。/不要忘了给我写信。 更详细进入...
Not everyone is a forgive and forget type of person.
中文: 并不是每个人都是宽容和遗忘型的。 更详细进入...
Snow White: I shall never forget you, Huntsman!
中文: 白雪公主:我永远不会忘记你的,猎人! 更详细进入...
What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave.
中文: 婴孩时期学到的东西,老死不会忘记。 更详细进入...
Five appropriate Minnan descriptors were Not at all, A little, Moderately, Mostly, and Completelyfor capacity; Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Satisfied, and Very satisfiedfor one of the evaluations; Very poor, Poor, N
中文: 选出的闽南语能力语词为完全不能、不太能、一半一半、能够及完全能够;评估语词可分为两种次类型:满意次类型为完全不满意、不够满意、一半一半、大部分满意及完全满意;好坏次类型为完全不好、不太好、一半一半、大部分好及完全好;频率语词为一直都没有、很少有、一半一半、时常有及一直都有;强度语词为完全没有、不太有、一半一半、大多数有及完全有。 更详细进入...