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It is useless to muse upon past errors.

It is useful to keep a copy of the VLAN configuration as a text file, especially when backups or audits need to be performed. 保持一份VLAN设定的文字档是非常有用的,特别当需要备份或检查的时候。
It is useless if you could only read and write. You should have a good command of oral English as well. 你光能看,光能写,没用,要与别人交流必须口语得好。
It is useless telephoning him. He is not willing to come. 给他打电话没用。他不愿意来。
It is useless to argue with that man. 与那个人争辩是无益的。
It is useless to flog a dead horse. 鞭打死马,徒劳无益。
It is useless to muse upon past errors. 念念不忘昔日的过错是没有益处的。
It is useless trying to erase names written in the DEATH NOTE with erasers or white-out. 用橡皮或涂改液等擦掉写在笔记上的名字是毫无用处的。
It is useless/no use doing sth. 做......是无用的。
It is using film and TV arts to express latent scenewith the implied meaningthat has unique easthetics characteristics: symbolism, metaphor, suggestion, substitute and ellipsis. 摘要运用影视手段表现“象外之旨”的“潜镜头”,有著独特的美学特徵:即象徵性、隐喻性、暗示性、替代性和省略性。
It is usual for us to sell on credit. 我们通常赊销货物。
It is usually a good place for running restaurant on the busy commerce street or shopping centre. 位于繁忙商业区的街道或购物中心通常是开餐馆的好位置.

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