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    Calmness, detachedness and wit is the base of his humor.

    中文: 超越于知识分子道德与名誉的功利欲求之外,这是他敢于幽默的原因。 更详细进入...
    Your daily job will get more and more busy, you will be caught up in the rat race, and you will burn up your energy.

    中文: 你的日常工作将变得越来越繁忙,那么你将进步神速并充满力量。 更详细进入...
    Professor spoke Chen more and more brilliant, the audience heard more and more interesting, and unwittingly two and a half hours passed.

    中文: 陈老师越讲越有劲,观众听得越来越有趣,不知不觉过了两个半小时。 更详细进入...
    Discontent is the first step in progress of a man or a nation.

    中文: 不满足是一个人或一个民族进步的第一步。 更详细进入...

    中文: 海南岛雷公墨(玻璃陨石)起源问题的初步探讨 更详细进入...
    Discontent is the first step in progre of a man or a nation.

    中文: 不满足是一个人或一个民族进步的第一步。 更详细进入...
    You set your intention, gather your energy, visualize the goal, project your energy across a stream of consciousness, and thus build the rainbow bridge.

    中文: 你送出意念,聚集能量,观想目标,投射你的能量越过一道意识之河,而如此一步步建构你的彩虹桥。 更详细进入...
    Speak English as much as possible, don't be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone can make mistakes, it is possible. Try your best to learn it well.

    中文: 敢于开口说英语,不要怕犯错误。人人都会犯错,这是在所难免的,只要敢说,就一定能学好。 更详细进入...
    Discontent is the first step in proGREss of a man / a nation.

    中文: 不满足是一个人或一个民族进步的第一步。 更详细进入...
    Darkling beetle community structure and its relations with environmental factors in Sidunzi of Yanchi,Ningxia,China.

    中文: 盐池四墩子拟步甲昆虫群落组成与环境因子的相关性 更详细进入...

    中文: 海南岛雷公墨(玻璃陨石)起源问题的初步探讨 更详细进入...
    The Primary Study on the Monitoring Water Pollution of Yunnan Dianchi Lake using Vicia Faba Root Tip Cell Micronucleus

    中文: 利用蚕豆根尖细胞微核监测滇池水质污染的初步研究 更详细进入...
    The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.

    中文: 小船轻轻地漂过池塘,就像保龄球不会轻轻地漂过池塘。 更详细进入...
    This paper suggests that transcendental leadership incorporates and extends existent leadership theories by providing the motives behind leaders' practices, altruistic love, meanings, and spiritual survival.

    中文: 这篇文章首先提出超越型领导理论以统合现有的领导理论,并进一步超越现有的领导理论。 更详细进入...
    Preliminary Observation on the Wintering Behavior of Eurasian Crane in Lashihai Lake,Yunnan

    中文: 云南拉市海灰鹤的越冬行为初步观察 更详细进入...
    With the tremendous growth in the international construction market, more and more companies are doing business across the international dateline.

    中文: 随着国际建筑市场的蓬勃发展,越来越多的建筑公司在逐步开展跨越国界的建筑项目。 更详细进入...
    On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good.

    中文: 在他每走下一层楼的时候,他一直在向自己保证:越远越好...越远越好...越远越好。 更详细进入...
    Since then, Wang has escalated into prominence -- while Kuo spiraled into anonymity.

    中文: 从此之后,小民逐步爬升到卓越的地位──小郭却一直没没无名。 更详细进入...
    In the modern generation, sexy Shu Qi belongs to the knife-shaped eyebrows, thin upper lips, thick lower lips and long face type of female entertainer, she is stubborn, is is willing to love and hate type of woman.

    中文: 香港一代性感艳星舒琪是属于剑眉、上唇薄、下唇厚及申字脸的女艺人,性格固执,敢爱敢恨、敢做敢为的女人。。。。。。 更详细进入...
    David: I can't believe he will retire.

    中文: 大卫:真不敢相信他会退休。 更详细进入...

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