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    Your ISA plug and play cards are not properly configured.

    中文: 你的ISA即插即用卡不适当被配置。 更详细进入...
    We agreed to leave at once.

    中文: 我们同意立即离开。 更详细进入...
    He had to leave his home because of impiety.

    中文: 因为不孝,他不得不离开家。 更详细进入...
    No matter whether you are a dandy or a vagrant, whether a church mouse or always the center of attention, when you come to Shanghai, even if you lock yourself in solitary confinement, you can't help but be infected by the city's unique bourgeois spirit.

    中文: 即使你很高傲,即使你很懒散,即使你很羞涩,即使你很偏激,只要你来到上海,而又不想自我封闭离群索居,总会沾染上几丝上海独有的小资情调。 更详细进入...
    Could you fill in for him?

    中文: 我不擅长即席演讲。 更详细进入...
    I hope the rain will soon give over.

    中文: 我希望雨不久即停。 更详细进入...
    He wonōt be distressed by my absence.

    中文: 即使我不在,他也不会悲伤痛苦的。 更详细进入...
    Even if one plays down the nightmares, one cannot ignore the looming upheavals.

    中文: 即使人们不把这些不良后果预测得这么严重,但却不能忽视即将到来的剧变。 更详细进入...
    Faithful Johannes answered, I will not forsake him, and will serve him faithfully, even if it costs me my life.

    中文: 听到这些话,约翰说道:「我决不会离他而去,我一定忠实地辅助他,即使献出我的生命也在所不惜。」 更详细进入...
    See to it that persons not permitted to enter China leave on the original means of transport and that the expenses during the stay in China of persons who cannot promptly leave the country through force majeure are covered along with their travel expenses

    中文: 对于不准入境的人员,必须负责用原交通工具带走,对由于不可抗拒的原因不能立即离境的人,必须负责其在中国停留期间的费用和离开时的旅费。 更详细进入...
    Speaks <>, cannot leave Zhuge; Said the Zhao cloud, cannot leave the long-barrelled gun.

    中文: 我!英文:讲,离不开诸葛;说赵云,离不开长枪. 更详细进入...
    Even if invited, I wouldnt go.

    中文: 即使邀请我,我也不去。 更详细进入...
    He returned to Britain immediately.

    中文: 他立即回到了不列颠。 更详细进入...
    Try to act naturally, even if you're tense.

    中文: 即使紧张也不要做作. 更详细进入...
    Even if he comes I shall not see him.

    中文: 即使他来,我也不见他。 更详细进入...
    Even if I had money, I wouldn't buy it.

    中文: 即使我有钱也不想买。 更详细进入...
    She answered without a moment's hesitation.

    中文: 她毫不迟疑立即回答. 更详细进入...
    when it does not increase it decreases.

    中文: 爱情像月亮,不营即亏。 更详细进入...
    Poultry is for the cook what canvas is for the painter.

    中文: 厨师离不了家禽正如画家离不了画布一样。 更详细进入...
    [color=Black][size=14px][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Avoid negative people,places,things and habits.

    中文: 离开不善之人,远离是非之地,不招惹麻烦,不要养成坏习惯。 更详细进入...

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