英文: ( Kicks his foot against the pans under the sink . ) Not much of a housekeeper , would you say , ladies ?
中文: (脚踢到洗涤槽下的煎锅)不是个很会管家的好主妇,女士们,你们说呢?
英文: [bbe] And of Asher he said, Let Asher have the blessing of children; may he be pleasing to his brothers, and let his foot be wet with oil.
中文: 论亚设说、愿亚设享受多子的福乐、得他弟兄的喜悦、可以把脚蘸在油中。
英文: [bbe] And the first came out red from head to foot like a robe of hair, and they gave him the name of Esau.
中文: 随后又生了以扫的兄弟、手抓住以扫的脚跟、因此给他起名叫雅各。〔雅各就是抓住的意思〕利百加生下两个儿子的时候、以撒年正六十岁。
英文: [bbe] His foot is taken in the net; he comes into its grip.
中文: 圈套必抓住他的脚跟。机关必擒获他。
英文: [color=#000000][b]52) Watching Cuore di Drago Maldini unleashing a rocket from outside the box with his right foot past an hopeless Gigi Buffon in this 2-1 win over Parma which would be the beginning of that incredible 7 wins in a row climaxing in # 16.
中文: “龙之心”马尔蒂尼在禁区外右脚打门,皮球如火箭发射般穿过绝望的吉吉·布冯,这场2-1战胜帕尔马的比赛,为此后令人难以置信的七连胜打响了第一枪,最终换来了第十六个联赛冠军。