英文: Based on the literature review of hypertext these study exams the possible typographic applications of Chinese Character.
中文: 因此,新时代设计创作者有必要与责任去探索并开创一个属于新世代的编排设计表现形式。
英文: Computer screen displays that are not monospaced, but approximate the true size and true shape of typographic characters, rules, tints, and graphics.
中文: 中义电脑萤幕显示的不是固定大小的,而是字型、尺规、色块、图片都与真实尺寸极相近。
英文: Several typographic conventions are used in main text to guide the readers eye.
中文: 为了方面读者阅读,正文采用了几种典型的排版约定。
英文: We may discuss typographic and conceptual theory and relate it to improvised music - including Jazz and New Music, as well as other forms of music introduced by the students –such as Asian music.
中文: 我们可以讨论排印样式和概念上的理论,并将其与即兴音乐联系起来,包括爵士乐和新音乐和其他学生们介绍的音乐形式,比如亚洲音乐。