英文: A six-run rally had lifted the Red Sox to a 6-5 victory, and Damon's first inclination was to wonder if it had been a typographical error.
中文: 狂得六分让红袜拿下六比五胜利,且大门的最初想法是是否计分版打错了。
英文: Article 35 Publishers have the right to license or prohibit others to use the typographical arrangement of books or magazines they published.
中文: 第三十五条出版者有权许可或者禁止他人使用其出版的图书、期刊的版式设计。
英文: Article 38. Publishers shall enjoy exclusive right of exploitation in typographical design of the books, newspapers and periodicals they have published.
中文: 第三十八条出版者对其出版的图书、报纸、杂志的版式、装帧设计,享有专有使用权。
英文: Article 56 The parties may, within 30 days of the receipt of the award, request the arbitration tribunal to correct any typographical errors, calculation errors or matters which had been awarded but omitted in the award.
中文: 第五十六条对裁决书中的文字、计算错误或者仲裁庭已经裁决但在裁决书中遗漏的事项,仲裁庭应当补正;当事人自收到裁决书之日起三十日内,可以请求仲裁庭补正。
英文: The domain is easy to spell and not prone to typographical errors.
中文: 容易拼而且不易有印刷上的错误的。