英文: Amnesty would be unfair to those who are here lawfully – and it would invite further waves of illegal immigration,Mr. Bush said.
中文: “特赦将会对生活在美国的合法公民不公平,而且它也将引起更大的非法移民狂潮,布什先生说。
英文: A federal judge has granted class-action status to a lawsuit that claims Wal-Mart's denial of health insurance coverage for birth control is unfair to female employees.
中文: 一位联邦法官近日对沃尔玛公司一起集体诉讼案进行了裁决。判定沃尔玛公司拒绝支付女员工的节育健康保险费用的做法有失公平,因而败诉。
英文: A minority of lawbreaking merchants have taken advantage of this to engage in deceitful practices which seriously infringe on the legal rights and interests of the consumers, constituting unfair competition towards legal operators, resulting in financial
中文: 少数不法商人借此进行欺诈活动,严重侵害消费者的合法权益,对守法经营者构成不正当竞争,也使大多数传销员蒙受了经济损失,引发了社会问题,扰乱了经济秩序。
英文: Although it vividly illustrates user frustration with pop-ups, this second comment is unfair because the site didn't host or advocate the offending ads.
中文: 尽管第二条评论生动地反应出了用户对弹出广告多么深恶痛绝,但却冤枉了网站,因为那个网站并其实没有存放和宣扬那些冒犯性的广告。
英文: [NIV] 'But he answered one of them, `Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius?
中文: 13[和合]家主回答其中的一人说:‘5朋友,我不亏负你,你与我讲定的,不是一钱银子吗?