英文: And apologies to my neighbours for the general unrest and bad language emanating from my residence over the last couple of weeks; if you could hold off the ASuper BoyO until after Christmas, I'd be very grateful.
中文: 同时我还要就我最近两个星期里因看球时焦躁不安而发出的粗言秽语向我的邻居表示歉意,如果到圣诞节后您仍能不向当局举报我的过激行为,我会非常感激。
英文: Be polite, if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all. This includes trolling, continuous use of bad language (ie. cussing), flaming and insulting others.
中文: 注意礼貌,如果没有任何有用的东西可说你就什么也不要说,包括拖帖,不断使用恶语(即谩骂),发火和污辱他人。
英文: I don't think all this bad language on TV should be allowed; there are certain standards that should be kept up.
中文: 我认为所有这些下流的语言都不应该获准在电视上出现,某些道德标准还是应该坚持的。
英文: Primetime watched them yell at each other and use bad language in front of the kids.
中文: 《黄金时间》看到他们相互大叫,而且当着孩子的面出言不逊。
英文: She said, That's sailing a bit close to the wind, isn't it, Jack - using such bad language when your mother is here?
中文: 她说:「杰克,这就有些不像话了,不是吗?你母亲在场,怎麽能讲这种粗话呢?」