英文: At that time, the image-numberology was criticized by Buddhist scholars, who still took use of image-numberology to explicate the phenomenal realm.
中文: 象数易学受到佛教缘起性空理论的批判,但南北朝佛教仍利用易学象数来说明现象世界。
英文: Cai Yuanpei is a great educationalist in our country. The article tries to explicate Cai Yuanpei's perspective of modern studentin three aspects including presenting the concept, feature.
中文: 摘要蔡元培是我国伟大的教育家。本文主要从“现代学生”概念的提出及其特征和培养途径三方面来阐述蔡无培的“现代学生”观。
英文: It will explicate the historical and societal contexts from which modern schooling system and its policies are generated.
中文: 首先会讲解现代学校教育及其相关政策发展的历史及社会背景。
英文: On the one hand, it is required to explicate the relations between the realization of the principle of human rights and the state power; on the other hand, maybe, it is more important to perfect the system of the NPC.
中文: 一方面,明晰人权原则的实现与国家权力之间的关系,明确国家权力之间监督机制的必要性;另一方面,对我国宪法而言,人权原则的实现,或许更重要的是人大制度的完善及其功能的有效发挥。
英文: Then I will explicate in the third part the philosophy of history of Kant which I call the model of perpetual peace.
中文: 第三部分将讨论康德的历史哲学,笔者将其定位为永久和平模式。