英文: Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is used to optimise production of gear cases and other structural components, while Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is carried out as part of the design review procedure ensuring a critical appraisal of key design ele
中文: FEA(有限元分析)用来优化变速箱及其它结构件的生产,FMEA(故障模式与效果分析)作为设计审查程序的一部分,确保对重要设计部件进行严格的鉴定,以达到运作的要求。
英文: In order to reveal load mechanism and failure mode of thick pile caps, by means of the test of 1/4-scale models of thick pile caps with six piles and post-handling study of 3-dimensional non-linear finite element ADINA, this paper points out the shortage,
中文: 摘要为揭示厚承台的传力机理和破坏形式,通过对4个1:5比例的六桩厚承台的模型试验研究与三维非线性有限元ADINA的后处理研究,指出中国建筑桩基技术规范JGJ94-94与美国钢筋砼房屋建筑规范ACI318-02规范中,承台以弯曲强度进行配筋计算的设计方法之不足,揭示出厚承台的破坏模式是冲切破坏,传力机理是以带有主要单向压应力的砼区域作斜压杆,桩顶区域的纵筋作拉杆的空间桁架。
英文: Local buckling is the dominant failure mode for composite steel column.
中文: 摘要局部屈曲是组合钢柱常见的失效模式之一。
英文: The experimental results show that the seismic behavior of strengthened joints is improved significantly by the scheme, which successfully enhances the shear capacity by about 22%, transforms the failure mode to be ductile, raises the ductility coefficien
中文: 试验结果表明:加固能够有效地提高节点的极限受剪承载力22%左右,改变节点的破坏模式为梁端延性破坏,提高节点的延性系数到4以上,改善节点的承载力退化和刚度退化,提高节点的能量耗散能力,从而显著改善了梁柱节点的抗震性能。
英文: The result shows that the trench wall failure at shallow depth is the major failure mode of the slurry-supported excavation, and that the length of the excavated trenches and the difference between the slurry head and the water level are the key parameter
中文: 结果表明,浅层槽壁失稳是泥浆护壁开挖的主要失稳型式,开挖槽段的长度和泥浆液面与地下水位面的高差是控制泥浆护壁开挖稳定性的关键参数。