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英文: 15 All waste materials, excluding river and pond sediment, shall be segregated into categories covering: excavated material or construction waste suitable for reuse on-site, reclamation or fill, construction waste for disposal at public dump or landfill,

中文: 除河流及塘底的沉积物之外,所有废物应予分类,可包括:适合原地再用、用作填海或填料的挖掘物料或建筑废料;弃置于公众倾卸场或堆填区的建筑废料;化学废物;以及一般垃圾。        更详细...
英文: 2 Any demand, notice or communication shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered by hand, when left at the proper address for service, if given or made by prepaid first class post, 10 days after being posted (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and pu

中文: 2任何的要求,通知和通讯将被视作完成送达-如经由人手派送,当该件留下在恰当的送达地址时;如该件经由预付邮费的一级邮递施行或发出,由寄出之时起计十天之后(不包括星期六,星期日及公众假期);以及如以传真施行或发出,传真传送完成之后.        更详细...
英文: 2 Excluding any interest comprised therein , recoveries against any claim which is subject to the above deductible shall be credited to the Underwriters in full to the extent of the sum by which the aggregate of the claim unreduced by any recoveries excee

中文: 2除了从第三方所得到赔偿所包含的利息外,对于适用上述免赔额的保险索赔从第三方得到的赔偿,在未扣减自第三方获得的赔偿累计索赔总额超过该免赔额部分,应全部给予保险人。        更详细...
英文: 21 a student holding a student pass must maintain at least 90% attendance(excluding certified medical leave, approved leave school holidays),as required by the immigration and checkpoints authority, Usa. if a student can not maintain the attendance requir

中文: 根据美国移民厅要求,学生签证持有人需保证至少90%的出勤率(不包括病假、事假、学校假期),如学生不能保证出勤率,学院有权开除学生。        更详细...
英文: 3 mixed cresol, insulation paint, clothing, needles textiles, Feimian (excluding cotton procurement), manufacturing, processing and marketing.

中文: 三混甲酚、绝缘涂料、服装、针纺织品、废棉(不含棉花收购)制造、加工、销售。        更详细...

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