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white jade

【化】 白玉

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英文: Color alone white jade green, sky blue and Jiangzi, color pragmatic, solemn atmosphere.

中文: 颜色为独玉绿白,酱紫及天蓝,色泽持重,大气庄重。        更详细...
英文: He presented Pao with four priceless white jade bracelets, saying, Sir, I am an envoy of the Heavenly Queen.

中文: 他送给杨宝四个贵重的玉镯,说:你好,我是王母娘娘的使者。        更详细...
英文: Hill works carved a son, mountain pines seem Temple high and larking quaint, two man in the fishing boat had a leisurely game, the two face a fine of small streams, inside a bird Using flooding removable white jade carved independence, and allowing full f

中文: 作品精雕一座山子,山间苍松翠柏,寺塔高筑,俊秀古朴,两位老翁在渔舟中悠闲地对弈,两人面前一个精致的小溪流,里面一只大鸟巧用透水白独玉摘雕出来,体形饱满精致,十分讨人喜欢,更让人想起只羡鸳鸯不羡仙美名。        更详细...
英文: Hill-between mountain disorderIt, Qiao vertical wall, pines Jin Li, incredible stack cliff, the water below the bridge, on the foothills of the mountains green and white jade alone pick a statue elderly, the hills are slowly waving Taijiquan, next to the

中文: 山子间山体嶙峋,俏壁陡立,苍松劲立,层峦叠嶂,山下小桥流水,山脚的山路上绿白色独玉摘雕一位老人,正在山间缓缓的打着太极拳,旁边的老友仪态安详的观赏着,远方的一座凉亭中还有一位高人在抚琴自乐,好不快活。        更详细...
英文: It is in Qing dynasty,He Tian Jade always takes suet white Jade is top grade,white jade lode is gradually dry up in Qing dynasty,then the source of blue jade is abundant,and there are many large or very large material stones,so Qiang Long Emperor apprecia

中文: 年份当在清代,和田玉历来以羊脂白玉为上品,但到了清代,白玉矿脉逐渐枯竭,青玉却因为来源丰富,且时常有大块甚至是特大块原料石出现,因而颇得乾隆皇帝赏识喜爱,青玉的身价也从此飙升,上品的青玉其价值不在羊脂白玉之下!        更详细...

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