英文: After selecting valve size, locate inlet and outlet pressures on this chart.
中文: 阀门通径选择后,在这个图表中找出进口和出口压力。
英文: Close valves at both inlet and outlet ends.
中文: 进、出水端阀门关上。
英文: Depending on high-ranking technical personal, scientific management, the inlet and outlet valve produced by our company has high and stable quality, full range and competitive price.
中文: 公司采用先进的生产设备、生产工艺,完善的检测设备、检测方法,凭借高级人才,科学的管理,以生产高品质的产品为已任,使公司生产的进排气门、质量上乘、品质稳定、规格齐全、价格低廉。
英文: In the above map ,we clearly know that the establishment of inlet and outlet of 4th Nuclear Power Plant will result in an unrecoverable damage to the ecological environment of Santiago Bay and land and sea resources.
中文: 依本图就可确知核四厂进出水口码头之设立,对整个三貂湾生态环境和陆、海域资源的损害,是超出人类科学所能承受的极限。
英文: Manifold shall have safety pressure relieve valve, pressure regulators, and pressure gauges indicating inlet and outlet pressure, bleed valve (vent valve) and pigtail for cylinder connections.
中文: 气体管路需要有安全压力释放阀门、压力调节阀门、压力表来指示气体压力。