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After selecting valve size, locate inlet and outlet pressures on this chart.

After seeing the other presentations, how would you change your solution? 在见到其他组的说明之后,你如何将会改变你的解决方案?
After seeing the results, you might want to try to improve upon your hashing scheme if the number of collisions is excessive. 在看到结果后,如果冲突过多的话,你必须改进你的哈希方法。
After seeing the three men leave the store she really began to worry as I was the last person she saw entering the store. 看到这三个匪徒离开便利店后她真的很担心,因为我是她见到的最后一个进入店里的人。
After seeing this shadow-puppet-inspired dance,we felt it necessary to take a look at Tangshan's centuries-old shadow puppet theater.The wonderful performance left a deep impression on us. 欣赏完妙趣横生的皮影舞,就更要看看历史悠久的唐山皮影戏了。精彩传神的表演一定会让您拍手叫绝。
After selected various high yielding and hybrid varieties, their nutrient uptake pattern, interaction among fertilizer, varieties and plant density should be investigated. 近年来,我国选育出一批主要作物的高产品种和杂交种,应当研究它们的需肥特性,研究施肥与这些新品种及其种植密度等不同措施的关系。
After selecting valve size, locate inlet and outlet pressures on this chart. 阀门通径选择后,在这个图表中找出进口和出口压力。
After selecting your crystal ball - take it home and clean it. I use mild soap and water then place the crystal ball in the sunlight and moonlight to energize. 你挑选水晶球之后-把它带回家和把它清洁干净。我使用中性肥皂水清洁然后把水晶球放在日光和月光下接受照射去加强它的能量。
After sending a fax, call the recipient to confirm receipt and write that person's name in the space provided. 发完传真后,要打电话给收件人确认其已经收到传真,并在有空余的地方记下收件人的名字。
After sending her a lot of I mi youtexts, he‘s moved on. 和女友分手后,卡里姆开始改发别的短信了。
After sending her a lot of I miss youtexts, he‘s moved on. 和女友分手后,卡里姆开始改发别的短信了。
After sending out that letter of reconciliation, Jerusha once again began to gossip to Daddy-Long-Legs about everyday things and to confide in him. 寄出那封和好信之后,洁茹又开始恢复和长腿叔叔闲话家常以及谈心了。

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