英文: At GB, credit is a cost effective weapon to fight poverty and it serves as a catalyst in the overall development of socio-economic conditions of the poor who have been kept outside the banking orbit on the ground that they are poor and hence not bankable,
中文: 诺贝尔和平奖评审委员会说:“在格拉明乡村银行,信用是消除贫穷的有效武器,穷人因为穷而被排斥在银行大门之外而无法获得银行贷款,因此信用是穷人在社会经济全面发展中的资本。”
英文: Come,they said, be our commander, so we can fight the Ammonites.
中文: 6对耶弗他说,请你来作我们的元帅,我们好与亚扪人争战。
英文: Credit to them for putting up a fight against a team like us- Bremen goalkeeper Tim Wiese on beating Bayern 3-1.
中文: “打我们这样的球队,他们能够表现出这样的斗志,应该得到嘉奖。”-不来梅门将维泽如此评价他们3:1取胜拜仁。
英文: Either they will fight terrorism or we will,he said. Officials say Israel will not open negotiations on Palestinian statehood, until there is a crackdown on militants.
中文: 他说:“要么由他们打击恐怖主义,要么让我们来干。”负责官员说,在巴勒斯坦当局开始打击激进份子之前,以色列将不会就巴勒斯坦建国问题展开谈判。
英文: For us to be in a game like this, to fight and do the things we had to do to take it to overtime, I give credit to our guys,'' Wizards coach Eddie Jordan said.
中文: “队员们在这样的一战中全力拼搏,做了他们该做的事,还把比赛拖入加时,他们的表现值得肯定,”奇才主帅艾迪·乔丹如是说。