英文: He does not represent or speak on behalf of, nor is he employed by the Bank and is not involved in the research department in the preparation of the Beige Book.
中文: 他的言行并不代表芝联储,他本人也并非芝联储之雇员并不参与“灰皮书”的调查与准备工作。
英文: Jim's information was used by the research department internally, where was be used in the preparation of the Beige Bookand for other purposes.
中文: 杰姆所收集的信息曾被研究中心内部使用,那些资料曾被用于“灰皮书”的准备工作以及其他用途。
英文: [Teaching Staff and Training] YTTCS has 6 instruction departments of Administrator Training, International Taxation Training, Continuing Education Department, Research Department and Library, and 5 administration departments of Office, Discipline Inspecti
中文: 适应培训工作需要,学院内设教学部、公务员培训部、国际税务培训部、继续教育部、科研中心、图书馆等6个教学机构,办公室、纪检监察办公室、人事部、后勤部、财务部等5个管理机构。