英文: In order to understand how Darwin builds a long argument to persuade readers to believe his evolutionary theory is better than creationism and Lamarck's transmutation theory, one needs to know the emergence of this revolutionarily scientific theory is not
中文: 这门课拟从科学史的观点,来带学生阅读与讨论达尔文《物种源始》这本科学文本,了解此一个革命性的科学理论的产生,不但涉及地质学、古生物学、比较解剖学、形态学、胚胎学等自然学科,也关连到宗教、经济等人文与社会面的诸多背景,进而认识达尔文如何在此书中建构论证与说服读者相信他的演化论优于当时与其竞争的神创说和拉玛克的理论。
英文: Proximate causes of mutiny may have been alcohol and anger, but the ultimate reason was evolutionarily adaptive emotions expressed nonadaptively, with irreversible consequences.
中文: 叛乱事件的近因是饮酒与怒气,但终极原因,却是演化上适应的情感发生不适应的表现,而导致无法挽救的结局。