英文: Article 35 Trade union committee members of an enterprise or public institution owned by the whole people, a collectively owned enterprise or public institution or government organ who are released from regular work duties to act as full-time union person
中文: 第三十五条全民所有制和集体所有制企业事业单位以及机关工会委员会的脱产专职工作人员的工资、奖励、补贴,由所在单位行政支付。
英文: For that, Villone was willing to spend six weeks pitching in the Minors, fine-tuning his stuff with regular work and doing away with the need to manufacture,or try to create additional velocity that may not have existed at that time, as Torre noted repeat
中文: 为了能够上到大联盟,天天V愿意在小联盟投上六个星期,以规律的作息微调他的投球内容并且有所产值,或者是尝试创造当时所不可能存在的额外球速,这是老爹在春训的时候一在的提及的。
英文: Some companies in the Science Park are pushing off-the-clock tasks done outside of the regular work hour for no pay.
中文: 一些园区的公司都会希望员工在正常工作的时间以外,无酬地继续工作。