英文: 410 He is attending a conference now.
中文: 他正在出席会议。
英文: A Pennsylvania man is recovering from his second lightening strike. Don Frick was struck Friday while attending a festival the only casualty of the lightening strike was Frick's pants.
中文: 一位宾夕法尼亚男子正从第二次雷击中恢复过来。周五,道而.福瑞克在参加一次狂欢活动时被闪电击中。闪电只是毁坏了福瑞克的裤子。
英文: A Pennsylvania man is recovering from his second lightning strike. Don Frick was struck Friday while attending a festival. The only casualty of the lightning strike was Frick's pants.
中文: 世界上还真有九死一生的奇迹,宾夕法尼亚的一位男子第二次遭雷劈而安然无恙。当·弗里克周五的时候赶赴一个宴会时与雷公亲密接触,雷击造成的唯一伤亡是:弗里克的裤头被烧了几个洞。
英文: A watchful nurse tending a critically ill patient.
中文: 照顾一个重病号的谨慎的护士
英文: Air travel is such an everyday experience these days that we are not surprised when we read about a politician having talks with the Japanese Prime Minister one day, attending a conference in Australia the following morning and having to be off at midday
中文: 如今乘飞机旅行已经普及便利,我们在报纸上看到一位政治家一天在和日本首相会晤,第二天上午却在澳大利亚出席会议,中午又必须离开澳大利亚前往曼谷签定一项贸易协定,对此我们不会感到惊奇。