英文: Article 50 Libraries, museums, science and technology centers, cultural centers, art galleries, stadiums (gymnasiums) and other public cultural and sports facilities as well as places of historic and cultural interest and revolutionary memorial halls (sit
中文: 第五十条图书馆、博物馆、科技馆、文化馆、美术馆、体育馆(场)等社会公共文化体育设施,以及历史文化古迹和革命纪念馆(地),应当对教师、学生实行优待,为受教育者接受教育提供便利。
英文: At present, the major problems in the construction and management of our public sports facilities lie in the lack of facilities, low functionality in existing facilities, low efficiency and mismanagement.
中文: 摘要我国大众体育设施建设和管理目前存在一些问题和矛盾,主要是体育设施少,场馆功能单一,使用率不高,管理人才缺乏等。
英文: In view of the increasing population in Tseung Kwan O, students proposed to build more sports facilities in the district, such as basketball court, beach volleyball court and football field.
中文: 将军澳的居民不断增多,同学建议需加建体育运动设施供居民使用,如篮球场、沙滩排球场和足球场等。
英文: She's always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town.
中文: 她总是抱怨伦敦缺少体育设施.
英文: Sports facilities are available free of charge.
中文: 运动器械是免费提供的。