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direct business

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英文: E) To safeguard the benefit and business reputation of Party B, within one year, starting from the expiry of this agreement, Party A is not allowed to build any kind of direct business relationship with clients introduced by Party B, such as entrusting, a

中文: 第五条为合理维护乙方的商誉和商务利益,甲方在本协议期满后一年的期限内,不得以任何借口或以委托、代理、雇佣、合作、代表等形式,与原先由本协议的乙方所介绍的客户发生直接的不经过乙方的业务关系,除非有乙方的书面许可。        更详细...
英文: In series single-row tepered roller bearings are our main products.We are anxious to establish direct business relation with potentail companies.

中文: 全国几乎所有的英制单列圆锥滚子轴承(无论哪一种型号)我们都可以生产,我们优势是专业专注,至诚至尊,质优价廉,欢迎来人来电洽谈生意.        更详细...
英文: Please remit the full payment to our account through a bank which has a direct business relation with Bank of China, otherwise extra handling fee might be charged by your bank or the bank between your bank and Bank of China, and it will be born by the rem

中文: 自翻译成:请将全额款项通过与中国银行有直接业务联系的银行电汇至我方公司账户,否则将在汇款处理期间自动收取额外手续费。        更详细...
英文: Professional property brokers direct business to banks in exchange for preferential access to finance for their clients.

中文: 职业房地产经纪人通过给银行介绍生意,帮助客户获得优先的融资渠道。        更详细...
英文: The net swims the human is very deep to this point experience, not only the Internet bar computer may be the fine advertisement media also may be the very many network product direct business situation, because their expense activity is precisely occurs o

中文: 网游的人对这一点体会很深,网吧电脑不但可以是优良的广告媒体还可以是很多网络产品的直接买卖场合,因为他们的消费活动正是在电脑上发生,数字娱乐产品与服务等各方面的产品的市场推广方面有着巨大的潜力。        更详细...

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