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Professional property brokers direct business to banks in exchange for preferential access to finance for their clients.

Professional mutual fund managers are expected to maintain a diversified portfolio of funds by trade, and are not expected to succumb to biases for local stocks. 按理,职业共同基金管理人应该通过交易保持多样性的投资组合,而不应该偏爱本地股票。
Professional orbit structure, make the noodles anticipate to pass in and out more steady. 专业的轨道结构,使面料进出更平稳。
Professional photographers generally regard inadvertent surrealism in a photograph as a curse rather than a blessing; magazine photographers, in particular, consider themselves fortunate to the extent that they can minimize its presence in their photograp 专业摄影师通常认为在一张照片中不经意出现的超现实主义是一种诅咒而非祝福;特别地,杂志摄影师认为他们非常幸运他们能将它在照片中的出现降到最低。
Professional physical teachers had the following factors in common: they were male, had taught for 6-10 years, physical education graduates, read athletic related journals, coached, took part in workshops, held other positions of responsibility in the sch 男性、任教6-10年、体育科任教师和兼行政教师、体育科系组毕业、参加体育进修研习、经常阅读刊物、担任教练的教师,具有以上背景之体育教师,其专业能力现况得分良好。
Professional player Pete Sampras, for example, is the son of Greek immigrants to the US. 这就是现代网球运动的实况;在过去,这种运动可是有钱人用来消磨时光的上流社会休闲活动。
Professional property brokers direct business to banks in exchange for preferential access to finance for their clients. 职业房地产经纪人通过给银行介绍生意,帮助客户获得优先的融资渠道。
Professional security personnel, registration assistants, valuable objects storekeepers and managers in charge of massage and room services shall be trained with the relevant laws, regulations and public security practices and shall not go to work before 特种行业和公共场所单位的专职安全保卫人员、登记员、贵重物品保管员等特殊岗位的从业人员以及按摩和客房服务部门的负责人,应当接受有关法律、法规和治安业务的培训,并经公安部门考核合格,持证上岗。
Professional service: stage scheme, scheme introduction, stage plan, effect picture, bid designing, installing and debugging, technical question service and training, project, renting, ODM, OEM and so on. 专业提供:舞台配置方案、方案说明、舞台布置平面图、效果图、标书制作、工程安装调试指导、技术问题解答、技术人员培训等支持;承接:灯光音响工程、租赁、国内外ODM、OEM加工。
Professional services, such as insurance and banking demonstrated an uninterrupted grade A office demand for the second quarter. 第二季度,诸如保险业、银行业等领域的专业服务型公司,对甲级写字楼项目的强劲需求依旧不减。
Professional soldierare predictable but the world ifull of amateurs. 专业的战士是可以预测的,不过这个世界全是业余的。
Professional soldiers are predictable but the word is full of amateurs. 专业士兵的行为是可预测的,但世界上充满了菜鸟。

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