英文: A consistent purpose of the Beijing Museum of Ancient Chinese Architectures is to carry forward China's architectural culture, popularize knowledge on science and technology, promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and provide all
中文: 北京古建筑博物馆一贯主张推广中国建筑文化,普及建筑科技知识,促进中外文化交流,和尽可能地、毫无保留地提供未来建筑创作方面的各种参考。
英文: After the Western modernization, the main cause why the agrarian politics was replaced by the capital politics was that the capital had more capabilities to carry forward the increment of the social value.
中文: 摘要近代以降,资本政治取代土地政治的根本原因是资本比土地更有推进社会价值增殖的能力。
英文: An energy stamp is an event or something that happens to you which stamps you with energy which you then carry forward.
中文: 一个能量类型是一个事件或者一些发生在你身上的事而你在往后一直携带著留下痕迹的能量。
英文: “The Chinese government and people will go all out to support Beijing … to carry forward the Olympic spirit,promote world peace and enhance friendship.”Jiang wrote.
中文: 中国国家主席江泽民在致国际奥委会主席胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇的信中感谢奥委会给予中国的“信任和支持”。
英文: “The purpose of China's bid for the Olympic Games is to carry forward the spirit of Olympics and promote peace and friendship,” Foreign Ministry spokesman said yesterday at a regular press briefing.
中文: 外交部发言人在昨天的例行新闻发布会上说:“中国申办奥运会的目的在于发扬奥林匹克精神和促进世界和平的友谊。”