英文: 1940 Garrisons established to protect colonies acquired in the Spanish American War and kindred annexations.
中文: 建立起卫戍部队以便保护在美西战争中占领的殖民地和兼并的西班牙领地。
英文: A diagnosis information system is formed by combining aeroengine diagnosis knowledge and expert practical experience, accordant diagnosis rules are acquired by reduction operation, and the realization of digital maintenance technology for aircraft is ensu
中文: 该方法将厂家提供的飞机发动机故障诊断知识和专家实践经验形成统一的诊断信息表,利用粗糙集的知识约简方法处理,获得一致的诊断规则,为飞机数字化维修技术的实现提供了保障。
英文: A quantitative appraisal of the prospect of uranium mineralization is completed based on a set of hydrochemical data acquired from the known in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium, including radon content, acid-alkali ratio, oxidized and reduced electro
中文: 但是在找铀过程中仅用水化学成份、氡含量、酸碱度和氧化还原电位等数值进行描述,说明它们与铀矿化的关系,这种单一因素的描述不能综合反映与铀矿化的联系程度,以定量评价铀矿化与上述因素的关系,从而影响了水化学找矿的效果。
英文: “Organization code certificate” of the acquired Chinese company (1 Xerox).
中文: 被并购境内公司“组织机构代码证”(复印件1份)。
英文: “Patents”shall mean those letters patent,utlilty models and applications therefor presently ownedor hereafter acquired by Party B and/or which Party B has or may have the right to control or grant license thereof during the rerm hereof in any or all count
中文: “专利”是指乙方目前拥有的或将来获得的、有权或可能有权控制的、或在本合同有效期间在世界任何国家许可转让的、适用于或可能被用来制造本产品的专利证、实用新型及其专利申请。