英文: Congress passed a number of other measures in a frenetic session to wrap up business before the August recess.
中文: 美国国会经过激烈讨论,决定在八月休会之前通过一系列列法案来解决商业问题。
英文: India is a continent of contrasts – mystical and serene, vibrant and frenetic – and its vast plains, dense jungle and huge rivers are full of fascinating animals.
中文: 节目《野外之最》会一连三集介绍品种怪异、鲜为人知或高度濒临绝种的野生动物,大家可以近距离接触这些珍贵的动物以及牠们奇特的生活环境。
英文: Over the years, I have noticed that it has become more and more difficult to set aside those special moments of the day when we can remove ourselves from the hectic, frenetic pace of everyday life.
中文: 几年以来,我开始注意到,当我们能够让自己脱离每天的兴奋狂热的生活节奏时,自己越来越难以放下。
英文: That, of course, would still leave plenty of business, which is why investment banks continue to hire at a frenetic pace.
中文: 尽管如此,交易仍很活跃,投行的人士会忙得团团转。
英文: With trillions of dollars and frenetic trading habits, they resent the fees the exchanges have been charging them and increasingly look for alternatives (some of which they are creating themselves).
中文: 作拥万亿美元同时有近乎疯狂的交易习惯,这些人极力反对交易所目前居高不下的要价而且积极的寻找替代者(其中一些是自欺欺人)。