英文: However, CT evaluation of any type of internal hernia is rare in the radiology literature, except for a few reports on paraduodenal and transmesenteric hernias.
中文: 然而,在放射文献中除了有几篇十二指肠旁疝和肠系膜疝的报道外,各种类型腹内疝的CT评估很少。
英文: Paraduodenal fossae originate as congenital peritoneal anomalies owing to failure of mesenteric fusion with the parietal peritoneum and an associated abnormal rotation during imprisonment of the small intestine beneath the developing colon (1–3,22,27–33).
中文: 十二指肠旁隐窝的产生是由于先天性的腹膜异常,即肠系膜与壁层腹膜融合失败,同时小肠在局限于整条结肠中间位置的发育过程中旋转异常。