英文: A:Yes,and I'd like a jade bracelet,too.
中文: 喜欢,我还想买一只玉手镯。
英文: Above the thick snow alone Using pink jade carving pick out a pass from behind the moon rises, the more rational use of color clean.
中文: 上面厚厚的积雪巧用粉色独玉摘雕出来,一轮圆圆的月亮从后面升起,色彩运用更显合理干净。
英文: According to a 28-volume inventory published in 1925, the treasure trove left by the Qing numbered more than 1,170,000 items including sacrificial vessels and ancient jade artifacts from the earliest dynasties; paintings and calligraphy from the Tang, Son
中文: 经初步清点,清代宫廷遗留下来的文物,据1925年公开出版的二十八册《清室善后委员会点查报告》一书所载,计有一百一十七万余件,包括三代鼎彝、远古玉器、唐宋元明之法书名画、宋元陶瓷、珐琅、漆器、金银器、竹木牙角匏、金铜宗教造像以及大量的帝后妃嫔服饰、衣料和家具等等。
英文: According to the Jade different natural colors, clever tricks to mix into beautiful diamond logo, simple act of moving natural, cool off a summer thermal!
中文: 根据岫玉天然颜色的不同,巧妙地搭配成花样漂亮的菱形图案,简洁大方,明快自然,清清凉凉过一夏!
英文: Alone green jade: Include green , sage green , aquamarine blue , yellow green, alone the jade often looks at and appraises the partner , colour maldistribution with white , many memorials tape , filiform or roll into a ball irregularly form of block distr
中文: 绿独玉:包括绿色、灰绿色、蓝绿色、黄绿色,常与白色独玉相伴,颜色分布不均,多呈不规则带状、丝状或团块状分布。