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A:Yes,and I'd like a jade bracelet,too.

A:Yes, sir. Here is the menu. 好的,先生。给您菜单。
A:Yes, the abbreviation TPE for Chinese Taipei is correct. Here''s a cassette of the anthem used by the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee. Let''s listen to it and have a check, shall we? 中国台北,缩写为TPE。 这样是正确的。我这里有一盘中国台北奥委会的会歌。我们一起听听,核对一下,好吗?
A:Yes, we are. We''re rhythmic gymnasts. 是的。我们是艺术体操运动员。
A:Yes, your last shipment wasn't up to par. 嗯,你上次送去的货没有达到标准。
A:Yes,Mr.Cohen.I will show you the twenty-second floor and twenty-fifth floor.We can go anytime. 好的,高汉先生,我会介绍二十二楼及二十五楼给你.我们随时可以出发.
A:Yes,and I'd like a jade bracelet,too. 喜欢,我还想买一只玉手镯。
A:Yes,do you have any particular bulidings in Kowloon Bay in mind? 可以,在九龙湾你有没有特别指定的工业大厦?
A:Yes,haif a dozen postcards and four fifty-cent stamps,please. 请给拿六张明信片,四张五十美分的邮票.
A:Yes,that's right.You can see that there are 15 coloured balls.Seven have stripes and seven have spots.The last ball is black. 好的,就是这样。你可以看到这儿有15个彩球。7个条纹的和7个带点的。最后一个球是黑色的。
A:Yes. You may find the logo of the Chinese Football Association on each of them. 有的,我们每件行李上都贴有中国足球协会的会标。
A:Yes.I have the program description(with signature),C's invitation letter and recommendation letter. 是的。我有项目书(带有签字的),C大学的邀请信,推荐信。

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