page number
页码\n【计】 页码
英文: Note: If you specify a starting page number in a booked document instead of selecting Automatic Page Numbering, the booked document will begin on the specified page; all subsequent documents in the book will be renumbered accordingly.
中文: 注意:如果你在要制版的文档里选定一个开始的页码而非选择“自动页码编号”的话,编号只会在选定的页码中进行;余下的文页会依此被重新编号。
英文: Reference is to lesson and section rather than to page number (because the latter may vary slightly according to file-format).
中文: 索引是根据课程及文章段落,而非页数(因为后者的文件格式相当小)。
英文: You can jump to a particular page by entering the page number or by clicking on the page number at the end of the result page.
中文: 因检索结果繁多,阁下可以输入页码,或到页底点击页码,以便跳查页数。
英文: You may quote passages directly or paraphrase what is happening in the text at that particular moment, but in either case you should supply references to the edition you are using and the specific page number where your example occurs.
中文: 你可以直接引用文本中有关特定时点发生事件的段落或大意,但无论在任何情况,皆要提供使用范例的版本与明确页数。