英文: Ask about the size and the toppings for the pizza.
中文: 问一下比萨饼的尺寸和添加的辅料。
英文: Just give us a ring and tell us what you like, we will make a pizza and add as many fresh, savory toppings as you like.
中文: 我们根据您的需要定制您的比萨,无需您亲自动手,只需在电话中告诉我们您想要的配料,就可以轻松坐等专为您口味定制的比萨。
英文: The Greeks developed this idea further by baking the toppings directly on the bread, making the dish even closer to what we now think of as pizza.
中文: 古希腊人更进一步,将面饼与配料一起烘烤,使它更接近我们今日所谓的比萨。
英文: You start offering fr-ee toppings with your hotdog but your competitors then also offer those same toppings and even include toppings that you don't offer.
中文: 你开始提供阻燃夷所作你们给予救助,但你的竞争对手也同样所作甚至包括那些所作不做投标.