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The Greeks developed this idea further by baking the toppings directly on the bread, making the dish even closer to what we now think of as pizza.

The Greek public embraced the revival, and joined the efforts to organize the Games. 希腊民众迎接了奥运会的复兴,并努力组织起了这次奥运会。
The Greek universe must have had considerable appeal for the henpecked males of these societies, and we know that the Great Mother made quite an impression on the Greeks themselves. 希腊共同体必定对在这些社会下惧内的男性们产生相当大的吸引力,并且我们还知道,掌权的母系曾经对希腊本身造成了相当的影响。”
The Greek word aphrosmeans foambecause she was born from sea foam. “阿佛洛”在希腊语中意为“泡沫”,因为她诞生于大海的泡沫中。
The Greek word has got into our language; what other word(s) might be synonymous with it? 以我们的语言代替希腊文字,可有哪些同意字?
The Greeks and Romans, Jews and heathen, hated each other. 在全世界各国中,难得有这一个彼此相爱的思想。
The Greeks developed this idea further by baking the toppings directly on the bread, making the dish even closer to what we now think of as pizza. 古希腊人更进一步,将面饼与配料一起烘烤,使它更接近我们今日所谓的比萨。
The Greeks did nought , but play the fools and lie. 希腊人一事无成,仅仅在愚弄和欺骗。
The Greeks did nought, but play the fools and lie. 希腊人一事无成,仅仅在愚弄和欺骗。
The Greeks had many myths. 希腊人有许多神话。
The Greeks laid siege to Troy. 希腊人围攻特洛伊城。
The Greeks recognized that there were two sorts of love, eros and agape. 希腊人认为爱有两种:性爱和情爱。

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