英文: Hill cents breast-milk runs day vacation resort tourism resource development, infrastructure construction, tourism commodity development; Cultivation and breeding; Flowers and trees bonsai production and marketing; Agricultural marketing; Cosmetics, small
中文: 六盘水天奶山仙乳泉旅游度假区旅游资源开发、设施建设、旅游商品开发;种植养殖;花木盆景生产和销售;农副产品销售;化妆品、小百货、糖烟酒零售。
英文: Located at the northern part of the garden, One More Villageis noted for its idyllic scenes and bonsai collection.
中文: “又一村”在园之北部,借陆游诗“山重水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”而取名。
英文: Tradition and future.The wine house displayed with modern bonsai is immersed in meon lighting.
中文: 传统与未来.这乃不时放置着时尚的盆景及充满着霓虹灯的居酒物.
英文: When you get up in the morning, you can breath the fresh air on the balcony, or shuttle in the Hui-style Bonsai Park or Pine and Bamboo Park to appreciate the characteristic morning scenery.
中文: 早晨起床,可以站在木屋别墅的阳台上,呼吸负氧离子含量极高的新鲜空气,您也可以走下来,穿梭在徽派盆园之中或青松翠竹之间,领略恩龙特有的晨景。